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(request) MGS TPP Cutscene Viewer


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I Would like to thank the modding community as well as hideo kojima for making this game what it is today. I would love a cutscene view to watch & rewatch these awesome cutscenes. What would be nice is if it took into consideration what character you was playing at the time but there is already a mod to put diamond dogs in cutscenes. This would be a very helpful mod to the community & for one I would greatly appreciate it ^.^

Edited by majinvongola
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I Would like to thank the modding community as well as hideo kojima for making this game what it is today. I would love a cutscene view to watch & rewatch these awesome cutscenes. What would be nice is if it took into consideration what character you was playing at the time but there is already a mod to put diamond dogs in cutscenes. This would be a very helpful mod to the community & for one I would greatly appreciate it ^.^


I second this.


A few cutscenes are attached to missions and can be rewatched by redoing the mission, but the majority of cutscenes (and in particular the most important ones to the plot) happen between missions and there seems to be no way to replay them.

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