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Help with horse compilation


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I use Mavoss' DLC Horsearmor compilation with Alienslof's "fiery/nightmare" Shadowmere. A while back, Shadowmere decided to run away and never come back. I tried the Call Steed Spells and the "Where's my horse?" quest, but no map markers popped up. Here's my question for all of you: Is there any way I can add Shadowmere (steel-armored) to have a quest marker? I'm fairly new to mods, and haven't tried to make/fix any myself, so step by step intructions would be greatly appreciated. I know, its annoying to help the noob, but I gotta start somewhere and its extremely frustrating to lose a horse.


Also, if anyone has any other, easier ideas for getting my horse back it'd be greatly appreciated. Thanks,


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