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NPCs to to bed in Sleepwear?


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So im wondering if somebody can retexture the roughspun tunic and use at as "pajamas" or sleepwear. When an NPC activates a bed to sleep, all their gear is unequipped and they change into the sleepwear, then back to their regular gear after waking up.


Yes im aware there is a mod that lets them sleep in their underwear but im not interested in that.

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In the CK, there is an option to assign a "Sleepwear" outfit to NPC's, though most have "none" assigned. The problem I think is that the blanket rule of "if it's got a higher AR I'll wear it instead" means that NPC's never actually put them on even if one is assigned (tried giving Lydia the Nocturnal Robes to sleep in = nope). Which is "kinda' understandable, seeing as you can interrupt an NPC's sleep at any time for either a chat or battle, it would stand to reason that they'd need there "best" outfit on.


I guess for realism and immersion, there "should" be a time of day cycle, and it should be impossible to interrupt an NPC's "sleep" time, but then that would annoy people who want to continue/hand in quests and such, and it would also play havoc with any "scripted events" that are marked to occur only when the Dargonborn comes within range (an argument outside of a mine or tomb for instance), if you had to wait until "waking hours" for these events to trigger, it might get confusing, so I guess they never implemented anything like that.

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Maybe 2 scripts would have to be written:


1. When an npc uses a bed, the sleepwear gets equipped.

2. If the player interrupts their sleep for dialogue, the sleepwear stays equipped. So they don't get out of bed, put their old gear back on, talk to you, then put the sleepwear on again and go back to bed.

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Yah, would need some script finaggling - Equip sexy, naughty nightie when sleeping (looking at you Lydia) and leave it on if I just come and chat to you. - Equip the Ebony Armor I gave you though if we're heading out to keel some baddies! - Other NPC's would be a little different. It'd have to check what faction they were in i.e. player faction, ally faction, helper, friend, neutral etc. or Enemy, hostile faction That way they could properly equip (or not equip) the right outfit when/if they are interrupted by the Dragonborn's presence.


Then too, someone would have to go through each and every NPC in the game, and assign them a sleepwear outfit .... Unless you could do that via script as well?

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Dont need to go through every NPC if you assign all of them the same outfit. The first post suggested using the roughspun tunic, which could work. When a bed is acivated every npc would get a new roughspun tunic. Then you dont need to assign an outfit for each npc. At least I think, this is above my modding skills.
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Hmmm, that could work. Create an outfit form = "PJ's" or "Pajamas's" or some such and link it to the "sleep" sandboxing routine, so that everyone who goes to "sleep" auto equips that outfit (like everyone sleeps in exactly the same pose) A quick and dirty retex of the slaverags would probably work as PJ's as it's a very basic mesh (no performance hit for those with slower machines) and it's loose fitting design and shape make it seem like a reasonable choice. (even has cute little slippers too :) )


However it's above my abilities as well, my brain hurts whenever I try and figure out the scripting language thing in Skyrim. I have a very basic understanding of what it does, but ... how the hell do people "know" what to write?

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