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need help scripting


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How do i get a npc to spawn after player reads a terminal i know it needs to be initially disabled could someone give me an example? also only want it to happen once not each time the player reads it



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First give your NPC a unique Ref ID, "MyNPCSpawnRef" Set them to initially disabled.


In the Terminals "Item Result Script" use




You don't have to worry about them spawning multiple times because they will only be enabled once. If the player re-reads the note after they have been enabled nothing will happen because they have already been enabled.

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You need to give the NPC a dialogue package, set the target of the package to a specific reference, and set the ref to the player, set the dialogue type to conversation, and I'd highly suggest adding a condition to the package so the NPC doesn't talk to you over and over again.


Some made a pretty informative tutorial about this, among other topics, found here:

Edited by clanky4
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