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(Nifskope) Armor mashup looks fine in 3D preview, is a mess ingame.


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I've just started doing some armor mashups or tweaks in Nifscope and everything seemed to work so far (mostly a routine of "Copy Branch" into the zero node).


However, when I tried to whip up something bigger (as seen bellow), I ran into a problem.


Basically, everything looks great in the preview window. I copied over the branches, edited their positions and applied the "Transform" function as well.

But in the game, almost all the new meshes are placed in random places over the body, misaligned or hovering. The left pauldron even seems to be completely reversed..?!


Does anyone know what am I doing wrong here or missing? I admit I am no exactly the most experienced in NifSkope or Blender, and most of my experience consists of doing quick hack jobs for personal use. :sad:


Also if anyone wants to have a look at the .nif itself, here's the link to the mashup.





Well, thank in advance! Finest czech beer to anyone who helps me! :tongue:


(Some reference pictures below)







Edited by Cahir Mawr Dyffryn
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You're pasting to the wrong place. You need to paste the the scene root.


So instead of this:

scene root






They need to be childen of the scene root and the material and skin dismember need to be children of the shape/strip like this:


scene root





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Wait, I assume by the Scene root you mean the 0 NiNode?

I think I am already doing that, because if I pasted the NiTriShapes outside the Scene root/0 NiNode, the mesh wouldn't even appear in game. Unless I am not understanding it correctly? :/


Literary the only problems I can't figure out are the left pauldron and the radio with the belt on the back. If I use them as they were from the meshes I took them from (by just deleting the stuff around them), they look fine. But when I paste them over here, they get all messed up.


Edited by Cahir Mawr Dyffryn
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I downloaded it to get a better look at what's going on. You need to use Copy Branch and Paste Branch instead of Copy and Paste. Also use Remove Branch instead of Remove. Using Remove will remove only the parent and leave the children separate under the root. So first you have to Remove Branch all of that extra junk until it looks like the top picture when collapsed. Then you need to re-name everything that you pasted under a new name like in the 2nd pic. It will not work if anything is named the same as a bone like what you have now. Anything named BP01 is a bone and can't be used for a shape name. Re-name the one I have highlighted and all of the other ones you pasted. Looks like a dozen or so need to be re-named.



Edited by DizzasterJuice
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Thanks for the tips! It seems I've found the real culprit now. For some reason when I try to edit the position of the mesh with the Transform > Edit function (the X and Y rotation), it all goes haywire.

Like the left pauldron, where I try to edit its position so it doesnt clip with the Bandolier. Is there any way how can I prevent that? I've literary tried everything.


Also, where do I send the beer? :P

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Any large amount of rotations other than Z axis don't really work in nifskope. The reason is that the center point is at 0,0,0 on the floor between his feet and if you start rotating and then trans to get it back to where you want it, you screw up the rigging. You'll have to fix that in Max or Blender.

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