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Formal Wear Retex Mods with Trespasser DLC?


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Does anyone know if there are any formal wear retex mods that work with Trespasser? The vanilla colours are really getting on my nerves.




AFAIK, none of the retexures work in Trespasser. The Inquisitor can equip one of the base-game recolours from the Wardrobe and it shows up in all but the initial cutscenes (and probably the ending scene). The advisors will still be in the red garb, though.



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It wouldn't be that hard to fix. You just need to link the retextures to all the other assets that Trespasser uses. There are several that just need copying over for the mods that replace the formal wear. Time consuming though, but I imagine the modders making formal wear replacers will get around to it in time. Just need to be patient.


Edit: In fact I did one for my own use which uses the wedding dress. It basically replaces formal wear with the wedding dress. It works in all the cutscenes including the final one where the inquisitor will be "restored". I imagine it will only work with Elven female and Human female though.


You can get it here if you want it.


Might look into doing a recolour of the formal wear but a retexture is out of the question as I don't have the artistic skill for that.

Edited by tirnoney
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