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It should work damnit...


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Ok, for a little background. After reading one of the topics around here, I had a neat little idea for a mod. In it a fairly large town would be the setting for some combat based entertainment (picture 20 NPCs on one side, 20 NPCs on the other, spread out and trying to kill eachother with you being able to watch or join either team). I chose to go with the bravil house style since all those platforms, bridges and second levels seemed perfect. I laid out the town, did the landscaping, did the pathing, and linked 1st floor doors to 3rd floor doors (so that I didn't need to bother with interiors that would only hinder any action). Added a few NPCs to check pathing and combat AI, but the doors don't want to work for them. They stand there, use it, and keep using it (fading in and out) without ever changing to the other level. I've tried changing the pathgrids, and encasing all higher levels within a subspace... still the same. I've tried doing some scripting on the doors... "evp" causes crashes since they keep using the door quickly, and as we're talking about 30+ doors, scripting each one individually is something I would rather not do. So I thought I'd turn to you, the modding community to help me figure out if there's something else I'm missing, or what I should do to get around this little problem.


Option 1 is to make all the doors sealed shut (not working) and add in lots and lots of stairs (I'll need to do some meshing/texturing for this (have the tools, some of the knowhow, but requires reading tutorials and figuring out how to make it not look like crap), or it'll look really bad.)


Option 2 add in very simple interiors which will interfere with combat AI, make the whole area less playable, and generally create lots of problems.


Option 3 scrap the project and go back to that fighter's guild mod that's been sitting there for 8 months now... Or do something else.


Option 4 change the setting completely, but still do the sort of thing you wanted to do, fighting and terraces don't work well anyway.


So anyway, your thoughts...

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Whats this... I thought you didnt like 'armies'?


Anyways I chose option four... theoretically all the ramps would make it much more exciting, but lets face it, the AI probably wont even attempt to use them and if they do they will carelessly fall off...


The ai just isnt that good, not until better technology is out :P

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Sounds kind of like your goin for a "gangland/territory/ battle/confrontation" my idea would be to use kvatch city buildings that are blown up for there open like perspective and would look like a fite has been going on for awhile.
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Sounds kind of like your goin for a "gangland/territory/ battle/confrontation" my idea would be to use kvatch city buildings that are blown up for there open like perspective and would look like a fite has been going on for awhile.

Nah, then I have all that debris I have to place, which will only end up slowing framerates. As for the AI using multiple levels, they can, when pathed right, archers especially, but having all those stairs makes it a bit annoying trying to run up to them.


I'm currently thinking of just using stairs, it'll force me to learn some meshing/texturing which may prove useful later. But would still like to know if there is anyone who'd run into something similar, and found a solution. It seems like the NPC just keeps trying to activate the same door repeatedly.


Honestly, a setting like this just has too much potential to scrap.


Besides, the rundown, abandoned, overgrown feel just fits what I want to do a bit better.

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Sounds kind of like your goin for a "gangland/territory/ battle/confrontation" my idea would be to use kvatch city buildings that are blown up for there open like perspective and would look like a fite has been going on for awhile.


It sounds more like the battle from the Knights Tale (from the Canterbury Tales, not the movie) If you havent read that, please do. You will probly get all kinds of ideas.

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looks awesome... how do you plan to implement this into the world of oblivion in terms of storyline/relevance... or is it just gonna be some place you teleport to simply to fight a battle?

Havn't gotten all the details. Basically, it'll be a village that was moved to another plane of existance, where the townspeople became mindless slaves to be used purely for the entertainment of a nameless god. The player kills some boss, and has an option to either take over, allowing some neat little games, or have it sealed. Atleast that's what I want. I probably won't get that far though if I keep running into problems.


The problem right now is that the NPC doesn't want to pop out at the other side. Tried playing with a destroy flag, they use door, fade out briefly, door gets unusable, so they head to another door on the same level. Anyone ever run into something similar?

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Why dont you just use ladders that activate like doors, sort of like in the small chapels, but exterior... like the one in pirate isles beta that leads you to the top of a stone platform.


or you could make a few ramparts of earth or just wood in key areas around the town that lead from level to level... this would make the combat more isolated between levels but it also means the archers shooting down would have better protection...

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Why dont you just use ladders that activate like doors, sort of like in the small chapels, but exterior... like the one in pirate isles beta that leads you to the top of a stone platform.


or you could make a few ramparts of earth or just wood in key areas around the town that lead from level to level... this would make the combat more isolated between levels but it also means the archers shooting down would have better protection...

The problem seems to be that when actors use doors within the same world space (subspaces don't help) they become stuck because it doesn't know how to process the pathing, the placement, or something. Ths means that even using ladders (since they're still doors) would likely have the same result. I could probably get around this by scripting each door to move whatever actor to a marker. But as references within scripts can't be used reflexivly (keeping a common tag like XXdoorref, and adding an additional bit for a specific number so that Door ABC** links to marker ABD**, where ** stands for a number 01-40 and can be changed on the fly.) Meaning that each individual door would have to be scripted to work with a specific marker. With 50 doors, that is a bit of a problem even if you standardize it.


So, I think I'm going to go and add in a bunch of stairs, and leave the doors blocked off. It actually makes a bit more sense like this, and doesn't run into the same problems. You're just going to have a harder time running over to that archer on the third tier. Now to figure out how to get the modeling stuff working right.

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Well, for the doors... couldnt you add a simple interior and script the npcs so that as soon as they enter, regardless of all other going ons, their main priority is to exit through the other door. then when they are back in the worldspace, revert there ai back to what it was before they entered the building... because the interiors would be too simple, make the doors disabled for the player, as to not break immersion in sighting such an unrealistic interior... instead put ladders on outside like i explained before for the player to use...


hmmm i didnt really think that through.. thats probably more complex then the original problem....


lol sorry, just use stairs i guess.

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