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It should work damnit...


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  Parkillous said:
Well, for the doors... couldnt you add a simple interior and script the npcs so that as soon as they enter, regardless of all other going ons, their main priority is to exit through the other door. then when they are back in the worldspace, revert there ai back to what it was before they entered the building... because the interiors would be too simple, make the doors disabled for the player, as to not break immersion in sighting such an unrealistic interior... instead put ladders on outside like i explained before for the player to use...


hmmm i didnt really think that through.. thats probably more complex then the original problem....


lol sorry, just use stairs i guess.


Well, the problem with even very simple interiors is that NPCs would get stuck as interior cells the player isn't in aren't processed very often. Which is why you never see NPCs entering a cell without seeing them exit another. Trying to script something that would just force them through to the other side would be worse than scripting individual doors, or door groups.


I made a rasonably decent stair model (collision data is still vulked due to problems exporting (I'll probably bug someone for a few pointers)) that'll let me do what I need to do. But atleast it works, and makes things a bit harder as navigating around all those posts is tricky business, even when you aren't running for your life.

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  Parkillous said:
Cant you just use some of the existing stairs in bravil and add them in...

In most cases, yes. But there are a few parts (mainly transitions between 2nd and 3rd floors where doing so would require either a new static, or arranging lots of other ones to cover up the whole in the bottom... In those cases, it ends up being more posts in the ground for people to try to navigate around. As you can see from my little screenshot durring path testing, it doesn't need more posts in the ground, so can be used n more places (yeah, I know I have the wrong texture on the ends, and have to do some minor tweakings). But really it's good enough for the time being. Now all I have to do is get some custom race sounds working, and figure out how to activate packages on a cloned actor, so that each of those clones behaves differently. Everything else after that is easy...


See what I mean about having to do alot of little stuff to make sure it works before devoting yourself to the larger project?

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Yay, more problems. Zombie sounds aren't varried or human enough to work for mindless slaves. And my computer it too damn loud to record anything of reasonable quality. So unless I have some vomunteers to do some mindless groaning, I'll be using silence, or just getting rid of the whole mindless/undead thing for the freeform portion. Still leaves trying to retexture amidst 3 or 4 body standards for females, and 2 or 3 for males. So yeah, I think I'll just do without that aspect.
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Ok, playing with a waypoint system I hope to implement within the mod. Basically, it's a spell that lets you designate a door or other object you want a squad to move to. Sounds fun right. But it looks like I have 2 options, one being a single point system, where they move to that point, but lag a bit (several seconds) when you designate the next point (probably a bit more useful since I'm planning on 4-5 squads). Or a two point system, where you pick alternating points, and the squad moves between the two (waiting about 10 seconds at each one) going to the most recent, then back to previous.


It'd probably be a pain to set it up both ways, so the question is which do you think people would prefer using?


Scratch that, can't get the timer working right for 2 point. Since 1 point allows wander packages, and less scripting to work, I'm just going to go with that.

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  Vagrant0 said:
Yay, more problems. Zombie sounds aren't varried or human enough to work for mindless slaves. And my computer it too damn loud to record anything of reasonable quality. So unless I have some vomunteers to do some mindless groaning, I'll be using silence, or just getting rid of the whole mindless/undead thing for the freeform portion. Still leaves trying to retexture amidst 3 or 4 body standards for females, and 2 or 3 for males. So yeah, I think I'll just do without that aspect.


If you want I can send you some of the zombie sound effects from counter strike source... or half life two maybe if i can find the folder... ?

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  Parkillous said:
If you want I can send you some of the zombie sound effects from counter strike source... or half life two maybe if i can find the folder... ?

Would rather not have to deal with the legalities of using sounds from something else. Besides the point, it still wouldn't sound right. When I have more working, I'll come back to it, and see what I can find. Kinda wanna get the AI systems working right first though, racial stuff can be adjusted later.

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Couldn't get the waypoint system working right, and can't make cloned NPCs organize... Think I'll have to settle for setting up specific NPCs to act as group leaders, which others follow. Then have the leaders move to various points. Decided to switch gears and work on the random spawning system... No dice there, spell that's supposed to activate several activators refuses to work... On the plus side I still managed to spawn lots of stuff manually to ensure the spawner works, and get a feel of what framerates people might be looking at.


Despite the fact that I had Winamp and Lineage 2 (takes up one core of my processor completely) running in background, in addition to windows, only briefly, like when I was being hit ALOT did framerate become totally bogged down. Mind you I had atleast 20 of them spawned and after me at the time. When I get more working, I hope to get more meaningful records of framerate. In the meantime, I snapped a screenshot to wet your appetite.


Incase anyone was wondering what purpose this topic serves. I figured that since there are a number of people who want to start doing stuff, and get discouraged when it doesn't work, they could see that even someone who is fairly skilled with scripting, AI, and general CS continually runs into problems. The secret is constantly looking for ways around them, or rethinking what you're trying to do.

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