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Can't Tell the Difference Between 4K and 1080p While Downsampling


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I'm running my PC through my 42" TV (resolution: 1080p) and downsampling. I usually sit about 6 to 10 feet back. I only run games above 1080p if I can do so with no noticeable loss in performance. Off the top of my head, I've tried 4K with the witcher, mirror's edge, Valkyria Chronicles, Saint's row 4, LA Noire, Pillars of Eternity and probably a few others that I can't remember. I also tried it just for kicks with the witcher 2 (and promptly stopped when it gave me 15 fps). I can't say I've ever noticed a difference. Is it because I've done it (primarily) with games that were designed back when 4K was unheard of and thus lack ultra hi-res textures? Is it because I'm using a TV? Sitting too far back? Or cause I'm downsampling? Or is the difference between 1080p and 4K just not that noticeable to some people? I'm not trying to start an argument about whether 4K is worth the price or about how much graphics matter or any of that. I'm genuinely curious as to whether I'm missing out or whether I'm just never gonna notice the difference.

Edited by RS13
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You're downsampling. At that high of a resolution, unless you're pressing your nose to the screen or doing a side by side comparison, most people wouldn't notice a difference. You're also playing games where even 4k resolution does not appear much different from 1080p. Unlike Battlefield, where you're trying to notice singular pixels on the horizon to tell you an enemy is there, some these games are likely just upscaling their 720p or 1080p rendering image to 4k and applying some post-rendering effects like AA to clear up jaggies. When you downsample this back to 1080p, all you're doing is returning the game back to something closer to its native resolution. There are very few games which are designed for 4k resolutions, and most of them are such that there isn't any major graphical difference unless you're sitting too close or are accustomed to only that resolution.


In short, you only notice things once you've become accustomed to them being there, and then only when they're gone. This is almost the same reason why arguments over FPS occur (those who are used to looking at 60+ fps can notice when things dip below, but those who see mostly 30fps only notice the speedup). If it looks fine to you, don't worry about what anyone else says and just enjoy it.

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You need to be close to the screen to see it, I sit at the desk with my face about two feet from the monitor and can see a difference albeit not a huge one. I do 4K sometimes for screenshots other than that I don't bother, it's not worth the performance hit.

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