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What do you think is the OVERALL least liked playable Race?


Least liked playable race in TES.  

47 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think is the GENERALLY least liked TES Race (playable)? Not YOUR least favourite race, but overall?

    • Nord
    • Imperial
    • Redguard
    • Breton
    • Dark Elf
    • High Elf
    • Wood Elf
    • Orc
    • Khajiit
    • Argonian

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I am curious to see what you think. I am NOT asking which race is your favourite or least favourite. I am asking what you think is GENERALLY the least liked, or rather least played playable race and why. You can also state which one you like/dislike best but make it separate. The poll is about the general public.




I think the beast races are probably generally the least liked ones. It is evident due to the amount of love they get in mods, or rather don't get. I get it, it is annoying to mod for them (armors) due to them requiring special meshes most of the time.


Therefore I think the overall least favourite playable race is ARGONIAN. Especially Argonian females. I have personally never played an Argonian female ever, though I have played Argonian males (and liked it).


But I also have never played any orcs whatsoever but think they are decent and definately not the least liked.


My favourite is probably Khajiit. The human races are too boring rly, though I do play humans. Khajiit is unique in a way that I like. My least favourite is still Argonian, especially female Argonians. Though in Skyrim they are way cooler than in Morrowind that is for sure.


What about you?

Edited by BigBizkit
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I think it might be the Orsimer. You're right, beast races get no love mod wise - but the people who play them are fiercely loyal and love them to pieces. I've rarely seen the Orsimer get much more love than the beasts in terms of mods aimed directly at them but I also don't see a lot of players professing fierce love for them either.

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I think it might be the Orsimer. You're right, beast races get no love mod wise - but the people who play them are fiercely loyal and love them to pieces. I've rarely seen the Orsimer get much more love than the beasts in terms of mods aimed directly at them but I also don't see a lot of players professing fierce love for them either.

Yeah it's true and I remember seeing loads of argonian chars in glass armor screenshots back in morrowind.


I figured orcs are the race to go when you play some melee heavy builds, brutes, berserkers. I don't but probably some ppl do.

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Nords, I believe, are number one. Just because they are humans and Skyrim (as a province) has had the most players.


I guess loads of ppl went for Dunmer in Morrowind for similar reasons (fitting in, playing the native race), elevating them to somewhere in the middle, I'd say.

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