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Daedric armor mods?


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You'll want to check out Curry Monkey's mods:


*** Curry's Coloured Glass and Daedric ***


"This is my recoloured glass and daedric mod! I've made quite a few new sets of armour for people to download. Here's a list of them.


*Re-coloured glass armour - Red, Black, Blue, Yellow, White, Orange and Purple. There are 2 versions of each colour - Only the gems of the armour re-coloured, and the whole armour re-coloured.


*Re-coloured glass weapons - Red, Black, Blue, Yellow, White, Orange and Purple. There is one version of each of these colours


*Re-coloured daedric armour and weapons - White with gold trim, gold with silver trim, blue with cyan trim, purple with red trim, orange with blue trim, red with black trim, green with gold trim.


*In other words, 21 new armour sets, and 14 new sets of weapons!


*A strange dwarven machine that will re-colour your old glass and daedric armour and weapons. Note that it only works on normal, unenchanted pieces of armour, and won't work on already re-coloured armour or weapons. Just unrar the rar file in your Morrowind directory with full path and enjoy!"


The same modder has an add-on to this mod, that re-colors Ebony and Dwemer armor as well. These are two of my all-time favorite mods, to be sure!

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You'd be best raising this with the Summit site if that's where you downloaded it from. Their admin is currently reviewing all their mods. You can also try contacting the mod originator. If they are still around they can probably help you out. Also try seaching on other mod sites and see if other daedric recoloured armour is available. Gamers Roam/TheLys/Euro-Morrowind etc. etc. Most have a search facility that will enable you to pinpoint what you want quickly if it exists.


There are certainly many other mods that do recoloured glass armour but I do not recall seeing Daedric. If you are into heavy armour try Knights of Tamriel. There are some excellent coloured sets there.

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