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Zombie Mod


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I know this was gonna be a thing sooner or later, and I know that this probably wont even be a reality any time soon due to the complexity of modding for this game.. but I would be cool to have an open world zombie survival horror theme for this game. It already has zombies, it has weather effects with fog, so the mood is already there, use captured outposts as safe houses with barricade construction maybe? Rescue NPC's from zombie attacks? ect ect.. just putting it out there.

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  • 6 months later...

Hi, since I don't want to create a whole new topic for asking this, but is there any zombie mod for MGSV:PP? Like Zombies roaming around instead of soldiers. Or that where the empty areas such as roads are filled with zombies, and outposts are still filled with soldiers. I would love a zombie mod :smile:


If there is non, then I would like to ask another question. Is it hard to place those zombie like NPC's who were under the Skulls controll into the map, random areas?


Thanks in advance :smile:

Edited by LegendarySaiyan
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