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Disabling "~" Cheats?


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Hey y'all.


Just looking for a way to disable cheats in Oblivion. You know, the ~ ones. The temptation of it spoils the game for me. I try to make a new file (OK, NO MODS NO CHEATS). In 5 minutes I'm using "tgm".


I've looked at the oblivion_default.ini with no success (can't find anything relevant).


Could someone either


1. Provide a mod of this?

2. Tell me how to alter the game so cheats are disabled?

3. Link me to something that answers my problem?





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Actually, there is a line in the ini file. bAllowConsole=1. Set it to 0. It's in the [interface] section of the ini.


And you shouldn't use the oblivion_default.ini in your oblivion folder, you should use the oblivion.ini in the my documents/my games/oblivion folder.


The default ini is for when you delete the one in the my games/oblivion folder because you screwed up there. When loading your game again, a new ini will then be created which is a copy of the default one.


(And don't post the same issue twice please, I just noticed your post in general oblivion)

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