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Game crashes as I leave the vault?


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" I used loot again" LOOT does not sort Fallout 3 mods correctly.


This is all that I have to say on the subject. Good luck with your game.


Im trusting the person who had a full guide to it, so please stop saying LOOt isnt good when its helped me with all of my other games




To the open user upload your last saved game please do a site other than here so I can download it and inspect the data to determine why you're crashing



This is the file uploaded to drop box - https://www.dropbox.com/s/qc2spnt1a027puq/autosave.fos?dl=0 its the one that crashes as it boots up, i can also put in the one just before i go outside the vault

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" I used loot again" LOOT does not sort Fallout 3 mods correctly.


This is all that I have to say on the subject. Good luck with your game.


Im trusting the person who had a full guide to it, so please stop saying LOOt isnt good when its helped me with all of my other games




I have never, ever said that LOOT isn't good for other games. But if you care to, read some of the other posts where people cannot get Fallout 3 working with LOOT. Especially the one who spend 2 weeks working with the author of LOOT to get their game working.


You would be better served following the instructions of the person who made the mod, instead of someone who made a guide. Who better than the mod author would know how the mod works and how it should be loaded?


Anyway, do what you want, it's is completely your choice. Good luck.

Edited by M48A5
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Wed,21/2015- Obtained the data (*.fos) file, switching pout systems...going live steam GOTY to verify data.


relax, this should not take very long.


" I " will provide you with the correct data and instructions to allow game play.


Hang around.


Found this so far:


[X] Fallout3.esm
[X] Anchorage.esm
[X] ThePitt.esm
[X] StreetLights.esm
[X] BrokenSteel.esm
[X] PointLookout.esm
[X] Zeta.esm
[X] Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch.esm
[X] iHUD.esm
[X] Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow.esm
[X] CRAFT.esm
[X] CALIBR.esm
[X] FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm
[X] Mart's Mutant Mod.esm
[X] Project Beauty.esm
[X] EVE.esm
[X] FO3 Wanderers Edition - Optional VATS Realtime.esp incorrect usage of mods Note: use one or another, Not Both.
[X] FO3 Wanderers Edition - Optional VATS Halftime.esp
[X] Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow in Fallout.esp
[X] Enhanced Weather - Radioactive Rain and Snow Plugin.esp
[X] Enhanced Weather - Sneak Bonus during Storms.esp
[X] Enhanced Weather - Weather Sounds in Interiors.esp
[X] dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp
[X] FO3_WRP.esp
[X] H&K PSG-1 Sniper Rifles.esp
[X] Fellout-Full.esp
[X] Project Beauty- Point Lookout.esp
[X] PureWater-LittleRad-.esp
[X] PureWater-NoRad-.esp
[X] PureWater-VeryCleanLittleRad-.esp
[X] PureWater-VeryClearNoRad-.esp
[X] RubblePilesFix.esp
[X] UPP - Pack 1.esp
[X] FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esp
[X] Mart's Mutant Mod.esp
[X] Mart's Mutant Mod - Project Beauty.esp

[X] FO3 Wanderers Edition - Followers Enhanced (BrokenSteel).esp

[X] Project Beauty- Broken Steel.esp



[X] FO3 Wanderers Edition - Project Beauty (Followers Enhanced).esp (OK? so all the other mods bellow cancel out above as it's said, Conflicts before the game even runs. followers needs to load lower so it injects it's data into all the other mods, other wise you bottle neck the game.)


[X] FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Broken Steel.esp This cancels out the above. Loads Third
[X] Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Broken Steel.esp
[X] Classic Fallout Weapons BETA.esp

[X] FO3 Wanderers Edition - Project Beauty.esp

[X] FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Anchorage.esp This cancels out the above. Loads First
[X] WeaponModKits.esp
[X] F3ProjectRealityMkI.esp
[X] FO3 Wanderers Edition - Alternate Travel.esp
[X] Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Zeta.esp
[X] ZL-SVD.esp
[X] Weapon - Some Katanas.esp
[X] AMTHardballerLongslide.esp
[X] FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Point Lookout.esp Loads forth
[X] Point Lookout Remove NPC Damage Effects.esp
[X] FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC The Pitt.esp Loads second
[X] FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Mothership Zeta.esp Loads fifth
[X] Bashed Patch, 0.esp

[X] FO3 Wanderers Edition - Optional Restore Tracers.esp
[X] FO3 Wanderers Edition - Optional Restore Tracers (automatics only).esp ->
incorrect usage of mods Note: use one or another, Not Both.




Now, other than the Obvious here, this load order is "trashed" and will not work.


fix that and just maybe your game might run, but not with current game saved file, it's junk


argue that and you might as well load fallout3.esm Last.


fix this and upload a fixed saved game. By the way, this data is how the game is loading your game files.



Edited by Purr4me
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