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Crash to desktop before main menu


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Hello everyone. I recently decided to mod Fallout New Vegas after building a new PC, and I followed the Beast modding guide found here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1aKHLNQUpK4qL6xxGDPj_KTbvzuG_7mYNu9_IF37bmLI/pubhtml


I did my best to follow all the instructions to the letter, but I feel like I must have missed something or messed something up along the way because now, upon launching the game, I get a ctd when the splash screen with "Obsidian Entertainment" comes up. I'm hoping that by asking for help on here, someone might be able to give me some insight into what I did wrong and how to fix it. I'll post a link to my load order here: http://pastebin.com/RgM8SB8R


If there's any other information I can provide that will be helpful, please let me know. Thank you!

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This usually indicated a missing master file or out of place master file. Do you use a sorter like Loot or boss? Do you use NMM or FOMM?


Also you have a great many mods. New Vegas does not run or run well with so many active mods. The count is much lower than the Tes games.


If you google this you will find that most games start having issues around the 150 active plugin mark. You may need to weed things down. In meantime grab Loot to help you with your load order. Make sure there are no missing masters or out of order (I use wrye and fomm) Make sure the FNV script extender is added properly. Loot may tell you if there are any errors of missing masters. And start thinking about what mods you can live without.


Others may be along that can offer more specific help. Good luck to you.

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Thank you so much for the reply! I haven't seen anything in LOOT about missing masters, but I have gotten errors for incompatibility between Weapon Mods Expansion and Weapons Mods Expanded. I guess I can try to disable those and see if that works. As for the number of mods I have, I did notice that it was a lot, but I wasn't aware of New Vegas' limitations in that area. I'll try to cut down on some and see if that helps. Thanks!

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