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Can mods installed via Wyre Bash be reused?


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So once again I bricked Oblivion and am currently in the process of reinstalling mods.


I was wondering if I were to move the mods in the installers folder out, and then delete Oblivion and do a clean install, would it be the same as if I had just downloaded the mod? Or would I have to re download them?

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No need to redownload ... just move the archives from the Oblivion Mods\Bash Installers folder to a backup location beforehand. Do take note of the order they appear in the Installers tab of Wrye Bash before nuking everything as that is the same order you'll want to put them in the re-install.

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No need to redownload ... just move the archives from the Oblivion Mods\Bash Installers folder to a backup location beforehand. Do take note of the order they appear in the Installers tab of Wrye Bash before nuking everything as that is the same order you'll want to put them in the re-install.


Is that necessary? I uninstall Wyre Bash as well. COuld I run into problems later?


Also, another question I had. When I create a bashed patch, when I start up Oblivion, and in the launcher, click the Data files, and click the first esp so that it is highlighted blue, and scroll down with the arrow kets, as soon as I pass my Bashed Patch esp, it crashes.


Is that normal, or should I be worried? When I start the game, everything seems fine. I even played for a good 30 minutes and didn't crash.

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The order that mods are listed in the Wrye Bash Installers tab is the order that WB will install them. Primarily that will only make a difference when/if mods are conflicting (i.e. mod B would overwrite some assets from mod A ... install order makes a difference then).


The bashed patch is simply a mod that WB creates out of all the conflicts between mods (along with things specified by BOSS or mod authors using bashed tags). The load order of mods that have resources included in the bashed patch is important for it's proper functioning, and in the case of a mod that has resources included in the bashed patch moving that mod below the bashed patch will cause a missing master crash (all of those mods that contributed something into the bashed patch then become "masters" to the bashed patch).


The method for using the bashed patch is always 1) Install or edit a mod 2) Sort the load order with BOSS 3) Rebuild the bashed patch.

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The order that mods are listed in the Wrye Bash Installers tab is the order that WB will install them. Primarily that will only make a difference when/if mods are conflicting (i.e. mod B would overwrite some assets from mod A ... install order makes a difference then).


The bashed patch is simply a mod that WB creates out of all the conflicts between mods (along with things specified by BOSS or mod authors using bashed tags). The load order of mods that have resources included in the bashed patch is important for it's proper functioning, and in the case of a mod that has resources included in the bashed patch moving that mod below the bashed patch will cause a missing master crash (all of those mods that contributed something into the bashed patch then become "masters" to the bashed patch).


The method for using the bashed patch is always 1) Install or edit a mod 2) Sort the load order with BOSS 3) Rebuild the bashed patch.


I know this about the bashed patch, but I have noticed that if I try to untick it in the Data Files in the Oblivion Launcher, as soon as I do, it crashes. Yet when I start the game up ( and activate the bashed patch with Wyre bash), it's fine.


Is that normal? I'll see if I can post a gif of it.

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To be honest I haven't tried launching the game without the bashed patch since I started using Wrye Bash myself.


You should be using WB to activate and deactivate mods ... there are subtleties such as "merged and deactivated" and "merged" (those boxes with a plus sign or dot in them). For example you must undo the merge and deactivate before you can uninstall a mod that has been merged and deactivated (done by rebuilding your bashed patch and changing that mod as part of the rebuilding). The Oblivion Launcher Data Files would let you do things that WB won't because it's trying to stop you from shooting off your own foot.

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