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Hello everyone, just seeing if anyone can help me


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So for a while now, i have been getting riddled with skyrim crashes.
every now and then I would start up skyrim to have another play of it; then the crashes started happening

at first, it would happen, after anywhere between 1-4 hours of gameplay, but it would happen, then i would just re-load the game and it was fine. for about the same time
then it started happening more often.

I refortmatted my computer at that point, I thought maybe it was due for one. updated all my drivers, downloaded all of the skyrim updates and patches and dlc's off of steam, and all seemed great.
30-45 mins it started doing it again;


1. it's come to the point now where within 2-5 mins of playing skyrim, it'll freeze / drop to 1-10 fps and just close without an error message.
2. Sometimes i will get a display driver stopped responding; also something to do with ''kernal''
other times it will do 1. and then fix itself, only to freeze and crash again 2mins later

I have tried the game on really low graphics settings, still freezes and crashes. tried turning each setting up one at a time, still the same outcome.
I have checked the integrity of the game cache 1000x times.
I have re-installed even on the new format
taken apart my computer, cleaned all the dust out, etc.
I've played games like far cry 4 / gta5 for stress test purposes, nothing is overheating / no hardware problems
Run all stress tests on various different parts, all passed fine

I feel like I am at wits end, and all I want to do is play skyrim, I have gone threw some many different forum posts, tried so many different things.

if anyone is willing to help me out, that would be great

Operating system;
Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
Intel core i7-3770 @ 3.40ghz
1638 RAM
Geforce gtx 760ti

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Hello ethreon,
yes. I have tryed all the drivers that are compatible with windows 10.
and I came to the conclusion that its not the drivers,

Should I maybe try and find the driver version that was made for skyrim specificly?

I just re-installed again, a clean reinstall, and now when I try to open the '' options'' tab in the skyrim launcher, that crashes

what is happening! I just want to play skyrim

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No other games crash or have problems, and most of them put my GPU under a hell of alot more strain,

about 20mins ago, I tryed loading skyrim after a fresh install, still the same thing.

but now, I was playing hearthstone, and the exact same symptons that a plaguing skyrim are plaguing my other games, all my other games crash.

I re-boot my computer, all my other games dont crash or have problems.
as soon as I load skyrim, and it crashes, everything elses just crashes and I have to re-boot again


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Thats not good advice, Win10 is great. Its much faster than 7 in terms of memory.


I ported my modded game and ive never been happier.


If you are getting no problems with other games, but then you say you started getting them, im thinking you have bad memory. Skyrim is a fantastic benchmark of memory because it will crash before many other things if you have unstable memory of any kind. I overclock a lot and Skyrim is my favorite game, so i see this all the time. On a bad OC i can play geaps of other games all day, then crash Skyrim in 20 minutes.


Ifk if you OC, but likely your tests are passing flying colors. You might try memtest but i suspect you GDDR is fried.


You got an enb? Try using unsafe memory hacks option. Lets see if we can prove bad memory.

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Hello smb92,


seems like you are right, everything I have benchmarked has passed, but i have not tested my memory.

i am not sure what ENB is, is it an program? is there a way I can see if my memory is faulty? is it only the memory in my gpu that we are looking to test?

ive tryed working how to install this enb mod, but its all confusing to me haha


but no, I don't overclock anything, I just run them as given

I can't even load the options in the skyrim launcher, that seems abit off

Edited by Jbearyo
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