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I'm on the lookout for voice-actors!


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Hi Everyone!


I'm nearing completion on a mod that I've been working on intermittently for about a year and I'm looking for definitely one or two voice actors. I'm going to fill the role of one character but I'd like a few others so the voices have some variance and it can add to the immersion factor. It's a new dungeon that adds two new quests. Here's what I'm looking for:

  • I definitely am looking to find someone who would like to voice act for a dragon. The vision in my mind is something really foreboding. This is the final "boss" of the quest and I'd like this character to really shine. I'm pretty sure that the dragons in vanilla Skyrim are all voiced by males but I'd be open to a female voice. If this is your cup of tea and you think you'd like to do it, I'd be honored. This character might only have 8 or 10 lines of dialogue so it's no huge project.
  • I'm also interested in finding someone who would like to do a female thief. I only have plans for maybe 6 to 8 lines of dialogue, so once again this is no huge project. Age is not a factor. I can envision either a young or older voice for this character. She's a dark elf and an escaped convict who slipped away from a prisoner transport and is now on the hunt for an ancient artifact. She was in the tutelage of a powerful person she only refers to as her master. I assure you there are no sexual undercurrents here.

As far as both of these roles go, I have some basic scripts written but I'd be willing to give persons involved leeway in adjusting or adding to the script if it fits to the overall mood and enhances the story. I also have to ask that you volunteer your time and energy. I wish I could pay you but I simply can't. Gotta save up for new PC parts for Fallout 4! :laugh:


I can assure you that I've put a lot of time into my mod. It's not some haphazard project slapped together over a weekend. I've been working on it for over a year now. There's also nothing "crazy" in my mod. No adult or overtly violent themes. PG-13 at most.


I'm not going for high-end studio quality; my personal recording gear consists of a microphone and Audacity. I'm more interested in voice chops and talent.


If you became involved I would gladly let you preview it for criticism before I publish it to the modding community. Of course you would receive full credits along with all the other nice people who have helped me with their tutorials, modding help, etc. Maybe you can add the experience to a voice actor resume? Who knows, it might lead you to bigger and better things and one day you'll voice act for Elder Scrolls 8! :laugh:


Please message me if you're interested. It would be nice if you have a clip or a SoundCloud link where I can check out your acting chops.




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