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Can't open the download to extract mod files


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Every time I download a mod like an enb it automatically opens it in either sticky note, Adobe, or Windows f*#@ing media, etc. it will only let me change it to these programs whenever I open the download it stops working or doesn't support it and I'm unable to extract the files to use the mod
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Every time I download a mod like an enb it automatically opens it in either sticky note, Adobe, or Windows f***ing media, etc. it will only let me change it to these programs whenever I open the download it stops working or doesn't support it and I'm unable to extract the files to use the mod

are you trying to do it manually or are you wanting it to work with a mod manager?



Mod Organizer for Fallout 3 will not install [ error opening file for writing] Do you have to be 5 grades above Geek Squid ? windows 7 - 64 need some help so I can clean some mods

not only is this someone elses thread but this is the Fallout NV forums, go find the fallout 3 forums and start your own thread.

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