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Scrolling Problems


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Okay, I'm playing the game and I have a lot of topics on the right side to talk about with the NPCs. I go over to use persuasion and the scrolling mechanism slides to the bottom of the page and I can't get to the barter/persuasion area. This is driving me crazy! :angry2:


I don't want to reload the game because I'm finally at a point where I can actually do some serious damage to things.



Can anyone help me? :help:

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That's one bizarre bug :huh: not sure how to fix that... I wouldn't think a graphics fault/plugin conflict could cause that... try backing up your saves folder and reinstalling (remember you have to let the game create the saves folder with a fresh install by saving in game, then you can put your saves back in).
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If by some chance your playing on a laptop or system with a touch pad and mouse combo, try tapping the pad, then starting using the mouse again. My laptops touch pad hijacked my scroll a couple weeks ago. Don't know why, but tapping on the pad gave me back control by using the mouse.



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