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Help with standalone mod


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Hi all, hate to be a burden but Im at wits end despite the help ive already received from many different parties.


I am making (or trying to) make a standalone follower mod. Ive made the character in racemenu (newest version), exported the chargen.

Ive made folders and kept seperate instances of all required assets (body, hands, feet etc) along with eyes (theeyesofbeauty - venus) hair (apachii hair39 with tris and hairlines from the 1_5 version) and clothing (zzjays elizabeth dress).


Ive used nifscope to link the textures to the standalone versions of the hair, ive made all the texture sets, made the skin armor items etc etc. Everything that the multitude of tutorials tell you to do.


I then export my character head from CK, and have tried both nifmerge, as well as manually with nifscope, to merge the Chargen nif with the CK nif.


So far, I always get one bug or another and eliminating one just creates another.

When I export from CK (Ctrl F4) and run it, I get no chargen settings applied to the face, but all the textures and everything work fine.


When I use nifmerge, I get a bright red forehead.


If I remove the tintmasks folder temporarily whilst i export, It solves the red forehead problem, but I instead get a grey face.


When I use NifScope to try and merge them myself, the nitrishape blocks and assosciated numbers dont line up, so when I paste over it pastes half of the branch into a seperate location outside of the root.

Anyway, I have been at this for literally 2 days, have been in chat, have been speaking to anoher modder, have followed 3 different tutorials from start to finish that do things a little differently each time. And NOTHING is working.


Open to any and all ideas right now, this is my first time modding on this and have never used anything like nifscope before, dont really understand what its doing so if you can give advice, remember your talking to a simpleton.



Im also wondering, since its a standalone, if I was topackage the ESP with the required archive, along with the exported chargen nif+dds, the CK exported nif+dds, and the SPF exported .NPC, would anyone be absolutely awesome enough to take a look at it for me?
I really want to get it working but I also want to know where ive gone wrong, I dont know what else to try, cant find anything online, most fixes work but just create the next error. Things like the red forehead fix (forehead showing up as the lip colour) were solved by temp removing the tintmasks, that then caused greyface, grey face is documented to be fixed by exporting through CK (ctrl F4) which in turn takes me back to not having any chargen changes, which brings me back to merging nifs, which brings me back to red foreheads...


Appreciate any and all help... :)

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Nifmerge doesn't cause the red forehead, that is the CK doing that, and other goofy stuff - and it pisses me off. Throw the CK generated tintmask in the trash - they're garbage. Use the one generated in chargen instead, but you have to generate mipmaps for it - more tool glitches, sigh.


I never use Nifskope for facegen. Nifmerge is made for that and works better, but it still has, guess what, a few glitches you have to work around.


If you want to throw an upload somewhere, pm me and I can take a look.

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Thx for the reply, ended up figuring it out by combingin a few tutiorials together. from what I gathered, I was having issues when I imported the .NPC file in CK, it was importing all the face tint values, The skintone one was fine (and needed), but everything else (lips, cheeks, nose, eyeliner, eyesocket etc) were all combining and all being applied to the forehead area, ZZJay said it was due to CK's inability to handle higher res tint masks or something.

The workaround was to, as you said, toss the CK tintmasks and replace them with the racegen exported masks. this fixed the problem and now I have it looking prety much spot on (minor neckseam but hardly noticeable).


I AM still getting a weird eye reflection in the right eye, the reflection in it is large and undetailed whereas the left eye looks amazing, has tiny specular highlights as it should. Saw a fix in it through changing some values in nifscope after you merge, however the values it said to change were already set how they should have been yet the problem is still there... so a little lost on that one but its only a minor issue that ill probably come back to later.


I am unable to uplload on Nexus at the moment as Im still hunting down permissions, Im not sure if its allowable to privately send it for debugging purposes though?

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