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Sic mod ideas

Marcus Wolfe

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Like the title says, I am too lazy and i don't have the modding kit. so could someone please create mods with the following sic features:

-Jousting:Being able to lance people from horseback or Wargback

-Children: There's an old morrowind mod that adds children and playgrounds, i would like to see those things in Oblivion

-Removable body part: I'm not asking for much, just decapitation, or arm lopping off

-Better blood: I'm not ungrateful for the blood features they have now, but I'd like to see them done better

-Masks: I want to hide my identity and protect my face!!!

If there r already mods like this, please tell me their names. If you also have some ideas for mods, post them here. If you think i should make these mods myself tell me.


PS Someone please check my winzip question in tech support, i cannot download any mods without it!!

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