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NEW Crash on save


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Yesterday I had a perfectly successful, stable, ongoing game that I was playing. This evening, CTD on save. The only difference? I had a Windows update.


I'm running Win10, Home, x64. I use SKSE, ENB and all the usual stuff. Yesterday I was running a game I'd been using for a couple of months. Now I get a CTD on save. SKSE crash dump analysis is giving me this:


Process Name: TESV.exe : F:\Games\Steam\SteamApps\common\Skyrim\TESV.exe
Process Architecture: x86


The thread tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access.


This is a generic stack overflow.


I'm at a loss. I tried clearing the Steam cache and loading from a fresh Steam. I ran file cache validation, I reloaded SKSE. I tinkered with load order and a few other bits. I've run CCleaner and defragged my game saves. I double checked my Admin rights on my game files (my game files are on a separate SSD drive).


All I can think is Windows update has stuffed my game. I cannot for the life of me save a game. I don't know enough about Win 10 architecture to even guess at what is going on here.


If anyone more experienced than me has an idea how I can rescue a good game, please let me know. I suppose I can roll back the update but that's not really in the spirit of having updates.


Oh dear.


Thank you in hope.



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Well it might seem WinUpdate has broken your game, but im using Win10 and updated as well so unless it was something very specific in that update, id say this is purely coincidence.


When validating through steam, i hooe you backed up your INIs for Skyrim cos likely they are now reset and youll need to reconfigure for enb etc.


Access violation sounds like something to do with User account control, you made the right move putting it on a separate ssd, you might try system restore back to before the update and have a look if any of those updates were to security. Ill double check that now on my end also.

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Thanks, yes, I always back up my stuff.

So your update is OK? Hmm. I'll need to dig deeper. I'll try a few things before a full restore.

I'll be grateful for any discoveries and ideas!

Thanks for your input.

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So the last update contained a few secuirty fixes, major one being the newcrelease Malicious software removal tool, one update for flash and 3 for office 07. The first one obviously would be the one to blame if any, but curious that mine is still fine.


Just double check all your exes are marked to run as admin, beyond that i guess youll have to keep digging.

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Argh! Stand down folks! I tracked my problem to a corrupt save from a long term stable mod that suddenly and inexplicably decided to blow up. It was on the night before the Windows updates and the game carried saving OK for a while afterwards. It made it difficult to track without doing some plodding investigative work.


Now I just have to track what on earth went wrong with this mod!


Thanks for your help. Case closed.

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Ah good then. Tou might do well to stop using quicksave and autosave, they break after a while. Any game thats ever been loaded from one is affected.
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Oh...oh dear. I'm right back where I started. Back to Mem Access Violations. Now this is weird.

I am well versed in Skyrim's quirks having modded and played for several years. And I cured the mishap mentioned earlier and all seemed fixed. Yet within minutes I am back with crashing saves and the same problem.

I know the game has some sticky points and at the moment I'm back on the 7000 steps (umpteenth time...).

I'm going to run a memory test on the PC. I think I may have a deeper issue here.

Meanwhile, If anyone has any experience on access violation crashes I'd be most interested. SMB92 thanks - I refuse to use auto saves so not issues there.


Thanks! In hope!

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I get similar errors thrown at me in a bad overclock, namely the bsod IRQL too high. Could indicate bad cpu or ram but not limited to hardware, some software and viruses do cause this.


As a last suggestion, dont suppose youve got expandsystemmemoryx64 and/or unsafememoryhacks set to true in your ENB? Could be the latest update throws up on some of ENBs code with those, in general you shouldnt have them set to true anyway unless you have solid reasons.

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Thanks SMB92. Aha - I have expandsystemmemoryx64 set to 'true' and now I remember I saw a recommendation that it is no longer needed. I'll set it to false and report back. The other one is false as I know that can be dodgy.

Cool suggestion! Thanks!

BTW - overclock etc is all fine. My CPU is factory O/C and has run with no problems for a couple of years, and I don't O/C my video card. I probably have more anti-virus defences than the FBI. I really do suspect something in the recent Windows 10 update has upset something. Everything was fine until then.

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Seems with Win10 every setup has different results with it, from what I've read with users so far anyway. My Creation Kit install has gone haywire since 10, keeps coming up with something new everyday.


That setting causes me to crash every 30 minutes or so. Didn't give me any noticeable performance anyway. I've just been trying 4K play with ENB, crap frames to be sure, but I can pound 11.3GB between GPU and RAM for the game XD

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