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Stonecrest City mod, Frozen Island quest.


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My next step is to finish the mine and the interior of the other houses in the city. Than I will make a bandits islant names Frozen Island. I am just asking you where, on the beach costh is it a good spot to put th Island acces?
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  • 2 weeks later...

I have no pictures this time yet, but I can say this : the city count now 20 Stonecrest guards ( 10 day shift and 10 night shift, 5 npc fully funtionnal. Hjodra, Ernand, Glatho, Vallinna and Okurasha. 5 of 9 building are now fully complet and navmeshed.



Explanation on my Stonecrest City prison systeme



Tring to escape from prison in my Stonecrest City mod is probably most hard than the other prison in the game.




With only one lock pick, you will have to pic three lock. 1: A master lock prison door, 2: a expert lock to go in the storage room 3: an expert lock for the chest that content your stuff.


With the lock difficulties, you will have to face 10 Stonecrest guard; the 2 Jailor plus the guards that sleep in the Barracks upstairs.

Edited by BeauMath
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With only one lock pick, you will have to pic there lock. 1: A master lock prison door, 2: a expert lock to in the storage room 3: an expert lock for the chest that content your Stuff.

You might want to place an extra lockpick somewhere on a table in the prison interior then, or otherwise the player is unable to exit that interior if hes first lockpick breaks.

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My NPCS, for now :



















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I created 5 new Npcs and two new guards for the Stonecrest Mine:


Three miners:


Lugdul Dumulg : Male Orc



Vadenb Saryoni : Male DarkElf



Savile Saryoni : Female DarkElf and wife of Vadend Saryoni



Two other :


Bjadmu : Male Nord Merchant of horse, owner of the Stonecrest Stable



Caniaia Acilius : Imperial Female and daughter of Miles Acilius


Edited by BeauMath
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