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Oblivion Crash To Desktop When Mods Are enabled


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Hi, I recently decided to mod my Oblivion a bit to make it more interesting/difficult.

I started installing some neat mods, and now it crashes every time I load into the actual game (Menus are fine).

I'm running it on Windows 7 x64 with like 4x the recommended specs.


These are the mods i have enabled, and their order.





Oblivion Graphics Extender Support.esp











HUD Status Bars.esp

Deadly Reflex 6 - Timed Block with no damage or durability changes.esp



DeadlyReflex 6 - Combat Moves.esp





Any help would be nice.




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Sometimes load order issues can cause problems, heres a Nexus topic on that. Load Order


Try this though...


Will the game load if you disable all mods?


- If it will you need to find the mod(s) causing the problems.OMM has a tool to help find possible conflicts. Use it with discretion though, often conflicts doesn't necessary mean your games going to crash. If nothing else load one mod at a time and check it.


- If it still wont load the game this means you're user.ini is jacked, but since you say it loads to menus thats a good sign it's still ok. If the user.ini file is broken you can always make a back up of it, then delete it. The game will automatically make a fresh default one the next time you start the game.


You're load order...


- If i remember correctly one of the deadly reflex esp's should be at the end of the load list, Check out his readme, or the mods download page. I'm thinking you're DLC mods, and Deadly Reflex should be at the end.


It would be something on the lines of...


.esm files


.esp (cool new sword, armor, or HUD mod)


.esp (DLC Mods)


.esp (Deadly Reflex content)

Edited by Angilla
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Another thing to consider is where Oblivion is installed. If it is installed in the default location on Windows 7 or Vista machines (either C:\Program Files\... or C:\Prgram Files (x86)\...) the Microsoft security feature UAC may interfere after you start using mods. UAC works to prevent changes to programs installed in Program Files. It won't cause any problems running vanilla Oblivion, but will interfere once mods start trying to alter the game. The recommended place to install Oblivion is C:\Games\Oblivion. One of the moderators here bben46 has posted this uninstall/re-install guide to help get the job done correctly and completely if you need to move your Oblivion out from under UAC's 'protection'.
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@Striker879: My UAC is always off. It's stupid and I hate it. :thumbsup:


I narrowed the issue down to 2 things; the first being, while Oblivion Graphics Extender Support is enabled the game crashes to desktop, the second being that if I try to throw something with the Deadly Reflexes the game, again, crashed to the desktop. I attempted to update with the game with the official updates as my copy seemed out of date, this did not help.


Any ideas would be much appreciated.

Edited by Hollish
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I narrowed the issue down to 2 things; the first being, while Oblivion Graphics Extender Support is enabled the game crashes to desktop, the second being that if I try to throw something with the Deadly Reflexes the game, again, crashed to the desktop. I attempted to update with the game with the official updates as my copy seemed out of date, this did not help.

You must be running OBSE to get those two examples to work. As far as I know to get OBSE working you need to be patched to the latest ... 1.2.0416. If you try to patch a fully patched game with the official patches I'm not sure what will result ... might not be good. Why did you say "as my copy seemed out of date"?

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I narrowed the issue down to 2 things; the first being, while Oblivion Graphics Extender Support is enabled the game crashes to desktop, the second being that if I try to throw something with the Deadly Reflexes the game, again, crashed to the desktop. I attempted to update with the game with the official updates as my copy seemed out of date, this did not help.

You must be running OBSE to get those two examples to work. As far as I know to get OBSE working you need to be patched to the latest ... 1.2.0416. If you try to patch a fully patched game with the official patches I'm not sure what will result ... might not be good. Why did you say "as my copy seemed out of date"?


It's the old computer technician's solution. Glitches/Crashing? Is the software up to date?

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When you are at the menus the game version is shown at the bottom left of the screen. The latest version is 1.2.0416 and that version number is the same whether or not you have Shivering Isles installed AND are up-to-date.


Your HUD Status Bars and DropLitTorchOBSE both require OBSE. As a test, when you disable Oblivion Graphics Extender Support and don't try any fancy Deadly Reflex stuff are your HUD and Drop Lit working correctly (hopefully confirming that OBSE isn't causing any difficulties). If you have no issues with them but still have CTD when trying some fancy stuff in DR troubleshoot that issue (all animations in correct folders etc.). If solving that doesn't perform any magic on your OBGE issue then work that one through (missing or misplaced files etc.). Check your BOSS report for "Missing master" entries.

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