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Doctor Who...


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So, I've gotten back into watching Doctor Who lately, and I am curious as to who else on these forums watches this amazing show.


Also, I am curious as to which doctor is your favorite? For me, it is a close tie between the Tenth Doctor (David Tennant), and the Eleventh Doctor (Matt Smith). Tennant is a great actor, and he seems to have had a lot of fun with his role as the Doctor, but it seems as if he took the humor in the series too seriously sometimes. Smith plays the role of someone who has been alive for 900-or-so years perfectly; a genius with a bit of insanity in the mix.


And now onto the creatures. I would have to say that my favorite are the Weeping Angels. The morning after I watched that episode (Blink), I drove past a cemetery, and there was a statue of a crying angel sitting on a bench. That certainly made me skip a beat.

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I dont like Matt Smith. He just didnt have the same 'Doctorness' as Tennant (obviously, Tennant being my favorite one).


Favorite creature? Definately the Weeping Angels or whatever they were. First TV episode to quite literally scare the jesus out of me.

Edited by CommanderCrazy
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If you like Matt Smith you obviously havent watched the original series.


Who's the next one going to be anyway, a five year old? mathematicaly speaking, if they get ten years younger every regeneration, then he'll be a schoolboy next series.


I stopped watching after the second Matt Smith episode, the series had simply lost everything I had once liked about it.


For me the definitive Doctor would probably be Tom Baker, he's certainly my favorite anyway, or one of the grey haired era from the B/W days. I got into it watching repeated original series, but the modern few... they just dont have any of the charisma, the creativity, or the fun factor. Were did the "freeze lava" go? what happened to the murderous flowers? since when were Daleks more interesting in talking than vaporising? It's too dilute, like taking half the races out of WarHammer to make it "less overwhelming".


As for my favorite villain, I'd say that cockroach Davros. I call him a cockroach because in the old series, he was like said cockroach, drop a nuke on him, and he'd survive... somehow.


EDIT: I think the biggest problem is that it's lost the cleverness that was it's greatest charm. Nowaday's it's an endless parade of "earth going to explode doomsday device short skirt explosion Daleks" and the enemies are unremitingly military. Sontarens, Daleks, Cybermen, it's just the same way of thinking, big bomb, big drill, big plague, forced assimilation, gas, whatever. Back in the old series, it atleast occasionaly could tell a story without re-iterating the same "save us from blowing up" plot. It even every so often, went a whole episode without using guns. It just feels generic, it's lost it's uniqueness.


If you like this current series I strongly urge you to give StarGate SG1/Atlantis a go, if this style of scifi suits, you'll love em. Very good programs, if now starting to show their age.

Edited by Vindekarr
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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm excited for Series 6 on April 23. I hope that Matt Smith stays on for more than only 2 series... :unsure:

He signed on for three with the option to renew, so there will be at least one more with him after this one.


For my favorite Doctor, I'd have to say that Tom Baker and David Tennant are tied.


As for my favorite creature, well that's a bit tough. I really can't say.

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