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ATI 5850 at very special price

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I am on the emailing list for my favourite computer parts site and today they emailed me with this offer;-


Sapphire ATI Radeon HD5850 Extreme with Crysis 2


Now, I have been looking with covetous peepers at the ATI 6950 and scheming to save up, but that card is a relative steal. What do you guys reckon? Go for it or wait a bit until I can afford the ATI 6950?

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I ordered the thing, asked for next day delivery for Saturday 9th so that I can get it installed. Should be really simple, as I already have the latest ATI drivers installed (using ATI cards already). Just plug in, connect all my gizmos back up and get playing!


Actually will I have to uninstall the drivers first and then re-install them when I have changed the card?

Edited by ginnyfizz
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Actually will I have to uninstall the drivers first and then re-install them when I have changed the card?


Think you may need fresh drivers as you're using a 4xxx series card now I believe ?



Also, if you can afford to, grab another one while the offer is on and go crossfire, just think of all those lovely texture mods that will appear for Skyrim :thumbsup:

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What a load of rubbish the card turned out to be. Doesn't work. Followed instructions to the letter, card fit in perfectly, connected it up right, and on power up....WOT NO PICTURE. Checked everything several times. Took the piece of mushroom fodder out and put the old card back in and lo, there were pictures!


It is going back, I want my money back, sounds like there was a reason they were cheap, because they are trash.

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I only wish I had taken a look at the OC UK forums before I ordered the piece of rubbish. There is a thread there called the ATI 5850 Extreme Owners Club and it seems that duff cards are not at all uncommon.
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I'd put in an RMA right away on Saturday before they closed, and the offending article has now been collected. Even the guy in support said that it sounds very much the case that it is a DOA card, since my set up works perfectly fine with the old card, and there is no reason why my MOBO should be incompatible.
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