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Merlini Magia


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As everyone's attention was up and up and UP to the knights, who seemed to have lost none of any height they may have had when actually "son of" whomever, Rose slid over to the right side and around the back of the knight. Rose however had eye not for the female knight, nor likely would she have had eyes for them had they been their proper, claimed gender. No..Rose reached out her trembling hand..soft and smooth met her touch. She splayed her fingers and was delighted when the skin shivered in response. She thought for a moment of sharing the other half of that Snickers Bar when a hoof hit the dirt three times, grabbing Rose's attention. A whiny and shake of its head made Rose look up toward the horse, only to continue her upward trek to look upon Dinadan.


Pulling her hand back as if she had caught a hot poker, Rose coughed several times then brushed some imagined dirt from her front. Her heart beat almost unbearably fast. She could hear her Grandmother's chuckle, "Never could resist the batting eyes of one of those beast, Could you, Rosie Girl?" No..she really couldn't and that may have just gotten her into some serious trouble.

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Kat's strange introduction between herself and the lady knights vexed Benjamin's curiosity, and the young man simply tilted his head as he witnessed the brief exchange. Kerensa? He thought to himself with fixation, Well then, two can play at that game. However, his contemplation was soon interrupted when the equally curious sight of Rosie approaching Dinadan's steed with utter fearlessness. As amusing as the scene might have been, Ben only bared witness for a handful of moments before gathering his courage and approaching the knightly duo with a curt, unaccustomed bow.


"Greetings, fair sirs...?" The olive-skinned mechanic remarked with the slightest uncertainty mingled with sarcasm after Kat brought her own introduction to a close, "Foremost, I suppose thanks are in order for chaperoning us to our preordained destination." Ben felt the burden of their circumstances lessening off his shoulders as he spoke with the silly, almost satirical mannerisms that could best be described as the young man's pitiful attempts at mimicking Monty Python. "I am Benjamin, the Moccasin of Clan Keith."


While his self-proclaimed title was rightfully dubious, Ben soon cracked a wide grin momentarily at the memories associated with it. When he was a young child, Ben was granted his 'Cherokee nickname' of Moccasin by his Grandpa Tom, and the lighthearted joke stuck with him and his family for years afterward. Regardless if it was accurate to any traditional Cherokee customs—Ben didn't know and never found the time to research it—he was proud of his nickname and wore it without hesitation in the arguably delusional reality he now found himself within.

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Rose , whose hand had stopped mid air as she looked up at the knight, heard the laughing comment about the Moccasin Cherokee made by Ben, Ben of the chewed thumb-nail. Suddenly she was angry...very angry and not sure why. For once her Nanna had no advice. She dropped her hand and turned, slowly....she walked over to Ben, smiling as if she too enjoyed the joke.


She didn't.


Rubbing absently at the amulet she wore, she moved closer to Ben in an unhurried way. Ignoring anyone around she focused on the young man. Coming around from his right, around the back and to his left side...close but not too close. Rose looked Ben over again, eyes heavily lidded as she spoke to him in low tones while her eyes then roamed the knights and horses.


"Haa...cute nickname....Funny, I'd never guessed you for a Native American..."


Rose looked up, smile gone from her face,



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"Oh, uh, I am Ardan of, uh, Daithi. A pleasure to meet you, um, madam, uh, knights..." He said awkwardly as he introduced himself to the two knights, not quite sure how to address them. This may take a little getting used to...


"So, uh, I suppose we'll traveling together for a while, yes?" Ardan began, trying to recover from his embarrassment. "I don't suppose you'd mind sharing a little more about this-" he waved at the world around them. "-place while we travel, would you? I'm afraid I don't know very much about it, or even you two, for all that matters. I know a little about swords and armors, but beyond that, I'm not too knowledgeable save for my ninjutsu."


He scratched the back of his head bashfully, wishing he could remember a little more from those stories he read in high school but failing miserably. "Feel free to call me 'Red,' by the way; most people I knew in school only knew me by my hair, so that's what I became used to being called."

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The knight called Dinadan watched the tan-skinned girl approach the warhorse, and, likely unnoticeable to the stranger, the rider tightened her grip on the reins to keep the stallion in check; the bay knew how to bite and would if it sensed a threat. Judging from the almost child-like curiosity with which the young lady regarded the steed, she meant no ill-will, and so the knight said nothing, but merely offered a knowing smile and a small nod of reassurance.


Meanwhile, Gawain glanced sideways to her comrade, "'Kerensa'? Does that sound Cornish to you?"


"Aye, a bit," Dinadan replied, "Ask Tristram when we-"


At that moment, a certain amount of hostility seemed to be rising between the tanned girl and the lad who had just introduced himself as "Benjamin the Moccasin"...whatever that was. Dinadan's horse began to tense from the agitation in the air, and as much to calm the charger as to ease the tension, the knight breathed a low, "Whoooa there..."


Kat took a step back from the two Native Americans, as Rose looked like a cat ready to pounce on Ben.


Gawain then raised a brow at both Ben and Ardan, grey gaze nearly frigid in its intensity, "There will be plenty of time to speak, of course. Though I think it would be wise for you to sort out your troubles between you before we complicate matters with our own, yes?"


"They do not look to be good comrades, from what I have seen thus far," Dinadan remarked, "Unless a great amount of silence, trepidation, and slight aggression are signs of friendship in your homeland?"


Kat offered a weak smile, "Not usually, no..."

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"Oh dear..." Benjamin soon responded worriedly to Rosie after witnessing her notably unsettling demeanor; while he wasn't the most socially adept individual—he likely would have avoided this situation in the first place if he was—it was quickly made clear to him that the fellow Native American did not approve of his joking remark.


Holding his hands up as an apologetic gesture, Ben was overwhelmed with embarrassment as the knights even commented on the sudden rise in tension his words had caused. "Er, sorry about that... Didn't mean to cause any grief with an old family joke..."


While part of Benjamin silently argued that he shouldn't have to apologize for a mere bit of lighthearted humor, he knew the figurative egg was on his face. Hoping to alleviate the tension, Ben tried to elaborate, "My family is Cherokee on my dad's side, though I don't know what all that implies aside from a few cool stories my grandpa had."

Edited by FreemasonGamer
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Rose opened her mouth and with it all the anger, air and her strength all left her as she stumbled and almost went down to the ground. Feeling her legs leave her, and the air and she supposed, her mind Rose shut her tired eyes tightly before the hot tears of embarrassment could leap out. Shaking a cobwebby feeling from her mind she looked at Benjamin and noticed, now for the first time, as they were out of the dark, out of the immediate danger, his looks. Dark, black hair. Dark skin. Dark eyes.


Rose groaned, "Gods you are one too aren't you..you weren't making fun you are one!" Rose began pacing back and forth in front of Ben, almost talking to herself more than him, only occasional looking over, more to confirm that she was speaking aloud than to get any feedback.


"They used too make fun of me in school and then today...today when I went to see my Grandfather in Navajo country...and I saw him for the first time and THIS all happened...I just...I don't know what..." The girl shook her short, spiky black hair then ran her hand through it with one shaking hand and pulled anxiously on the amulet given to them by Merlin with the other. Finally stopping she held out her hand, palm up to Ben in a placating gesture.


"I am so...so very sorry. I don't..know why I did that."

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Relieved that Rosie's brewing wrath was the product of a simple misunderstanding, Benjamin sighed in relief and gladly shook the young lady's hand with a reconciling nod. "No worries, it'd be silly to make fun of what I am. So you're Navajo, huh? Interesting, though a little far west for my blood." He mused curiously with a wry, bashful smile.


In his moment of relaxed satisfaction after dispelling his companion's mislead aggravation, a realization dawned upon the young Cherokee as he glanced from Rosie to Kat and then to the knightly pair, Gawain and Dinadan. Deep contemplation was evident upon his darkened features before he concluded his handshake with Rosie, cleared his throat, and briefly addressed their chivalrous escorts, "Er, I don't reckon to you know what Native Americans are?"


Benjamin quickly disregarded his inquiry as suddenly as he voiced it, and his next statement was reminiscent of a monologue with himself, "I reckon you all wouldn't, since Columbus hasn't happened yet... I wonder if the New World even exists here..." However, such contemplation on the possible geography of this alternate reality soon burdened Ben with a slight headache that compelled him to cease his weighty thoughts. Rubbing his brow, he soon shook his head and asked, "Anyway, I suppose we aught to hit the road soon?"

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Kat let out a small sigh of relief when the tension seemed to ease between Ben and Rose; from what it looked like, it was just an unfortunate misunderstanding. The professor was glad they wouldn't start out on this still more-than-slightly unbelievable journey already disliking each other. That would make the already bad situation even worse...


Before she could contemplate any more, however, Gawain inclined her head to Ben's words, "Indeed. We have dallied enough, I think. There is a tavern a league up the road from here where you can obtain refreshments, should you need them. Until then," the knight then whistled sharply, and from the far treeline came two young squires - young women, of course - riding their own horses and leading two spare coursers and two pack mules. They approached to follow their mentors' orders, their curious eyes glancing towards the newcomers every now and again. The knights themselves then fluidly swung their steeds around, unhooking their left feet from their stirrups and offering their hands to Katherine and Rose.


Kat blinked, and Dinadan picked up on her hesitation. The knight winked, speaking from her position near Rose, "I do not know what the custom is wherever you are from, but here, it is shameful for a lady to walk the roads whilst they may be carried."


Gawain, who was closest to Kat, looked down at her and gave her a small nod. The professor glanced at her shoes; sandals weren't exactly great long-distance hiking or trekking footwear, and they were already nearly ruined from the rainwater. Plus, she thought it would be rude to refuse the offer...especially when it would involve pretending she didn't like it....


Biting her lip, Katherine tucked her hair behind her ears, then took Gawain's gauntleted hand, putting her foot in the now-free stirrup and allowing the knight to assist her in swinging her other leg over the horse's back. There was plenty of room behind the saddle, so close did the cantle hug the knight's form. As she settled her weight and Gawain replaced her left foot in the stirrup, Kat clung to the side wings of the cantle that wrapped forward towards the knight's waist, unwilling to hold on to the glittering sword belt for fear it would be improper. It was only then that she looked towards the ground, and her hazel eyes grew wide as she realized just how tall this warhorse was...

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Ardan breathed a sigh of relief as the situation that had suddenly popped up between Rose and Ben just as quickly died. He hated needless confrontation, preferring much better to treat small slights, real or imagined, with indifference.


"Well, in all honesty, we all just met for the first time today, so it may take a short while for everything to fall into place." He responded to Dinadan's remark on their lack of unity. Though silence, trepidation, and aggression seems to be the order of things nowadays in "modern" society... Thinking it would be unwise to mention this detail, Ardan kept it unspoken, instead focusing on the two horses that were brought out for Rose and Kat.


"I take it the rest of us will be walking, then?" he asked. He had no objection to walking, having done it nearly every day of his life. Besides... I hardly know how to ride a horse... he thought, secretly relieved at the lack of horses for everyone. "Well, I hope we won't have to run away quickly or anything... might leave some folks in a poor way. Anyway," Stretching and ignoring the inevitable pain from his fall. "Shall we be off?"

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