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Cloud Strife Mod - The Mercenary


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Hi, planning on making a final fantasy mod that will include Cloud's armor, his hair and the buster sword. The mod will take place before the events of the game, final fantasy 7. As final fantasy 7 fans know, he was a mercenary and emplyed by barret of AVALANCHE, well in this mod there will be a whole new storyline and while taking on jobs of other people who need a hired muscle a main plot will form as you go along. So far in the mod is the full cloud outfit (armor,hair,sword-pics coming soon) and music from the final fantasy 7 game and film that replaces the vanilla oblivion ones.

For this mod to be complete it could use improvements, therefore im looking for some people to help ifx some things.


1. Moddeler - The actual armor is a little buggy and wants fixing, also making it look like the final fantasy 7 version of his armor rather than the advent chilren one which it is now.

2. Skinner - Same as above

3. Quest Maker - Im hopless at making quests :P , anyone with an understanding on the construction set and how to make quests can do this.

4. Voice actors for cloud (or could use advent children voice), and for other people (any, these wont be anyone from the ff7 game as cloud hasnt met them yet).


I will post a pic and/or a video of what is in game so far if there is enough interest.

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It might be worth posting that video now. It would be more helpful and perhaps help to drum up more interest.


As a note, I'm afraid you can't release the mod if you include official music from FF7 and Advent Children, as that's illegal (unless of course you get Square Enix's written permission to use said music, which isn't easy!). Sorry.

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Last time I checked, its not illegal to use a companies music as long as your not making any money from it, and the video, i can't make one because i cant find a program that doesnt slow my computer down to a crawl (tried fraps). Il post a pic before tomorrow though.


edit: Oh and the music, it's now owned by Square Enix, it's owned by nobuo. (Guy that composed music).

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You're not allowed to redistribute it either I'm pretty sure. In the same way you're not allowed (legally) to share music tracks with others. I'm no expert though, but that seems to be the general understanding.
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