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Help with the TES Construction Set


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Hello, friends. Wasn't sure if trouble shooting with Oblivion era TES Construction Kit was appropriate in this area of the forums or not but I could really use some feedback and help from an experienced Construction Set user, thought I'm not sure how many people are actually still modding for Oblivion when Fallout 4 is just on the horizon (and here I sit with my ancient laptop :sad: )

My issue is, I can no longer move objects in the render window anymore. I was able too before. I can't move the camera around in any cells. It is as though something is set to "locked" but after days of pouring through guides, forums, google, and trouble shooting the construction kit itself, I cant seem to get it to work. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the construction kit, the game, the mods, even steam. I've done clean installs of everything.

Yet, nothing I do seems to get objects in my render window to budge.
So, I thought I'd put it out their to the forums and see if maybe someone who has experienced this glitch has found a solution. I am open to any ideas at this point.

Thank you in advance for any help you're able to provide.

- Dala

Edited by wildgravity
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