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House Mods!


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  • 2 weeks later...
I have a question about Abandoned FLat (latest version) How in hell do i get to the areas with 16 damn manquins, pool, simulations, summoning area! plase tell
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I find that when I want a house I just make my own, this way it has everything I want in it. I just find it easier that way.

agreed, i find it much more suiting to create something that will fit my character perfectly. i've found that many of the mods out there are too big, have too much stuff inside, or just don't seem to fit the setting.

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i Love my fisrt dld ever it is the anastasio the great's hideout it was an awesome house for display i couldnt use it except when i could afford to take a while and set up the display room but i loved it it is an awesome house beautiful and well lit but recently i have tried the Abu manor in ald-ruhn and i find that i like it mopre because it has tons of glass display cases and stuff like that and its really big and has tons of storage



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