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Hope dashed- excitement stripped away- help please


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Today I finally got the money to buy shivering isles. I was so excited when I installed it. Everything seemed to go smoothly until I played. I waited a day, i traveled for a day, i waited for days, and nothing happened. I guess the content is supposed come in a quest message and I am not getting it. Turned mods off and the game just freezes. Has anyone had this problem other than me? And can anyone help?
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still nothing


Same here. You gotta install the 1.2 patch in order for SI to work but 1.2 f*cks up lots of user made mods. There are fixes for them in a list in the Bathesda forums but I still can't get Fancescos Items to show up other then as blank areas on bodies or as those big yellow blocks.


On top of all that SI still wont start even if I do goto the Anvil Dock Gate and go outside it.


Lets just pray Bathesda doesn't go into programing for medical equipment.

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I had the same trouble. Here is what i did.


Go to the stables outside Bravil and turn facing Niben bay (The water) and just keep walking/swimming till you see a small island. That's the portal.


Apon reaching the island you'll get the quest pop up saying something about a weird portal that opened up (the pop up that you were supposed to get via resting/waiting/traveling) and just take it from there.


Not sure why the quest doesn't work correctly, but everything in the shivering isles should work 100%.


Hope this helped :)

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