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Help understanding OMODS?


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I'm not sure how to deal with this.


I downloaded a file that said it was already converted to an OMOD but when I got it it was just a compressed folder, not an archive. I opened it up expecting to see an omod but what I got was a bunch of files I didn't recognize. They were as follows:










I have absolutely no idea what to do with this am I supposed to get obmm to convert this into an OMOD somehow?

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Without specifics such as which mod I'd say that the mod was released as an OMOD ready mod. All you need to do is add the archive (i.e. don't unpack the download). Instructions for using OBMM are found in it's Help menu. If I'm not mistaken that part is under the Create OMOD section.

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And if I'm not mistaken, that "is" an OMOD indeed.


An OMOD is more or less just a ZIP file with additional header data and structure inside. OBMM can "convert" an OMOD into a regular ZIP, and when you "extract" an OMOD as if it "was" a ZIP, this list of files and folders usually is what you get.


Did the file you downloaded bear the suffix ".zip" or ".omod"? You extracted it, and normally one cannot extract an OMOD without at least "renaming" the suffix first, so I guess the suffix was indeed wrong or something. Nevertheless, this is an OMOD, and if it doesn't read as ".omod", then it needs to be renamed accordingly. Then you can add it into OBMM, either by just double clicking it (if your OS is configured to open OMODs with OBMM automatically), or by opening OBMM and adding it yourself.


But Striker's right. If we knew the mod page you got it from, and which one, if there's more, then we'd be able to see for ourselves where the problem you're seeing originated from.

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Hadn't considered that Drake. A while back we had a rash of Windows renaming OMOD to ZIP (what I coined as "extension hijacking"). Simply changing the extension back to OMOD fixed that problem.

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I got it from




and downloaded the v1dot12 file at the top of the file list

The file name is


HGEC_Body_with_ BBB_v1-34442.zip


(I know what you're thinking: "Of course it is..." No judgements please lol)


So you're saying Drake that all I need to do is change the .zip extension to .omod?


If so i feel like a real squash.


And I have a gut feeling this isn't a matter of slow-clicking it and waiting to retype the file name?

Edited by hengdock
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Yup, simply change the file extension back to .omod and OBMM will find it when you double click it (alternately after you change the file extension you could copy the download to your Oblivion\obmm\mods folder and it will appear in the right hand pane of the OBMM window when you start OBMM ... click to highlight and then click Activate at the bottom). Renaming the extension can be done off the right click menu (right mouse click, select Rename from the menu and then change just the extension from .zip to .omod).


Trust me we're not here to judge, and in my case that would be the pot calling the kettle black as version 1.11 of that same mod is how I got my start at adding mods to the game. I had tried the original non-OMOD version uploaded by }{ellknight and could not make heads nor tails of how to install it. Like most everyone here I wasn't born knowing how to do any of this.

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Going by the comments to that mod I just read be careful though. It appears there is a small chance the author uploaded things a little confusing for not only users but operating systems as well for some of the files.


So in the unlikely but thinkable case that renaming the file alone will still not turn it into a valid functional OMOD already, which seems to have already happened a few times to others, no idea or specifics given why though, forget about the file you downloaded, the one from the top, as it's then not unlikely anymore it's actually rather broken, and instead directly download the one on the bottom which says it is the same as the one on top but as an archive (7zip version, .7z).


Do also not try to "add from archive" this one directly into OBMM, but instead extract it with 7-Zip first into a temporary folder, as this seems to be the only way reported to be working in that weird case of everything else failing unexplainably, and then "add from folder" this extracted folder to turn it into a functional OMOD again.


I don't know why that should be necessary, and I haven't yet got around to give it a try for myself to know for certain (likely will go about doing just that tomorrow though, safe is safe), but if the file found on the top is indeed not just an incorrectly suffixed OMOD and even renaming won't make it workable either, and the archive found on the bottom of the list "also" isn't a 7-Zip format or compression that OBMM can understand, then indeed downloading the archive version, extracting it with 7-Zip itself, and then creating an OMOD yourself from the extracted folder, will be the best possible way to go about fixing that issue.


But first try like Striker and me suggested and simply rename the suffix to see if it already results in a functional OMOD like it should be. Only if even this solution still fails, take the long(er) way instead like outlined above.



And no, you don't know what I'm thinking, most certainly not. At times not even "I" know what I'm thinking, so better don't even try. :sweat:

For what it's worth, I don't care what others do in their games, what mods they use, what their preferences are, or whatever else is going on only on their end. It affects me not, so why should I mind?

I myself downloaded and used every body mod in existence at one point, at least for a while and mostly because I had to support them all with the race mods I created, but this again matters not. As much as I don't mind what others do in their games, as little right and permission do others have to judge what I do in mine.


And just for the records, people coming in here only to post their judgement of your personal preferences in your own game definitely won't be enjoying their membership here for very long anymore, that's a fact. But I digress.



I hope everything will work out now, the one way or the other, and I'll make sure to check for myself what is and what isn't true about the stuff that's gone on in the comments I read by tomorrow. Then I know for sure, for the future.

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Thanks guys for your help and understanding haha. It was what you said earlier Striker about Windows defaulting them to .zip's once I changed my view settings it was smooth sailing; hadn't had a problem since. Now I'm off to figure out why my character creator sucks at handling new races! Wish me luck!

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