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infinite loading screens - arbor wilds


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so im having trouble with my game. In the "What pride had wrought" quest; after defeating samson and deciding who drinks in the well, the party uses the mirror to go back to skyhold.. the game loads during this point and after the initial loading(the one with the codexes) the game just fades to black with the green blinking loading thing at the bottom right.. it just keeps blinking, no music no anything.. i tried uninstalling the game and reinstalling it again, have the latest drivers and all with an ok computer. I set my graphics settings to the lowest but nothing still works not sure why, never had any problems with the game 'til this point. anyway, i hope anyone could help, would really appreciate it. this is an awesome game


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First of all, don't install schematic spree and the DLC version at the same time. ;) Also they're supposed to be installed, buy the schematics and then remove them. That's not the cause of your infinite loading problem though.


Most likely a mesh/texture mod. You can either remove all the cosmetic mods and then install them one at a time to find the culprit, or you could try a more systematic approach. There's a known glitch in mod maker that causes this issue with certain mods. So start by removing any cosmetic or texture mods that have a patch requirement specified by Mod Manager as greater than 8. If that doesn't work, find any that are less than 8. Basically, the safest ones will have a patch requirement of 8.


If I had to guess, since you're going back to skyhold you might want to start with companion/advisor cosmetic mods and any Skyhold outfit retextures.


It's very unlikely to be any other type of mod. If you find the exact mod and you're sure it's that mod then please let the mod author know (politely) of the issue. :)

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finally got it to work! :laugh: disabled all of the cosmetic mods on advisers and companions, also disable my pj mod for skyhold, though i don't particularly know what mod had caused this.. most of them functions fine and i never encountered any problem until now, anyway, thanks for the help.. now my sixty plus hours of gameplay wouldn't go to waste. :laugh:

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