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How to add Books?


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BTW, can anyone here write a small manual of how to put books in the game? See, I have tried to learn, but I still have no freaking idea (not used to moding at all^^). Not have to be big, just the basics. I would really appreciate it :D
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Have you tried the Construction Set Wiki? (I believe you can access it from the Help menu in the Construction Set, I don't recall the URL). That should be your first stop. ;)
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If the wiki dosent work for you (as is case often) you could just do what I do, use an existing object, and modify it.


To do this, double click on an object in the object window( a book in this case). This will take you to the edit base window.


There should be a large text box on the side, this is where you can edit the contents of the book.


On the other side you should see several smaller text boxes, this is where you can change the name and editer ID, !!MAKE SURE YOU USE A UNIQUE EDITER ID!!


And when you finish click save, a window will pop up asking if you want to create a new object, make sure you click yes, if you click no it will replace the original with your new object.

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