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So...I've sent private messages to Dark0ne and SirSalami to discuss the return of a certain mod. To date, I have received no reply. Am I going about this in the wrong way? Is there a specific form of communication I should use? I know both these individuals must be extremely busy, but I would like a reply. What's the best way to go about getting one without starting a hullabaloo aka, discussing this issue openly.

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usually mods are removed by the owner of said mod not the site staff. so more often then not the staff cant do anything about it.


now the ones the staff remove fall into another field, usually mods are removed by staff due to stolen assets and sometimes (though less often) they will remove mods because a modder was banned for a severe reason.



so in the case of a modder removing their mod the only way to get it back is to convince them to return it. in the cases where the staff removed it you just need to hope the modder gets their appeal through and return to the site. except for mods with stolen content in which case it's gone for good.

Edited by qwertyzeldar
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The mods belong to the mod author. If they choose to remove their mod, for whatever reason, that is their right. If someone else attempts to upload a mod that the author does not want here, that is grounds for a permanent ban.


You may try googling the mod. Nexus is not the only mod site, and the author may prefer some other site for their mods. However, if you do get it somewhere else please don't demand support for that mod here.

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