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Elemental fury shout is swinging way too fast.


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So ill start from the beginning... one day while playing skyrim i started attacking a bit faster, i have no idea why but it was definitely noticeable.


i used the console command player.setav weaponspeedmult 1, that seems to change the speed in a weird way, so I used player.forceav weaponspeedmult 1. that normalized my weapon speed, but when i use elemental fury the attack speed bonus is ridiculously fast.


help me nexus users, you are my only hope.

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You used SetAV. Don't ever use it. Use ModAV and enter in the amount to change by.


As for undoing the mess... load a save before you did that?


looks like the steam forums steered me wrong on that one. thanks fore the info.


hmm, looks like mod av is doing the trick.. things seem pretty stable. I actually used that console command while elemtalfury was active and it seems to be sticking.

Edited by zerther
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