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Game is really stuttery


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I have stutter remover, fps mods, and purge cell buffer mod. I turned of the majority of my mods and even turned the game to very low settings and the stuttering still happened. It just happened all of a sudden and I removed the most recent mods so I don't think it was any mod I installed. I used FNV 4GB too. Also using TTW but it also happens in New Vegas not just capital wasteland.

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Stutter is caused by any number of things. Sometimes it is loading the cell (crossing a cell boundary causes ALL within your ugrids to load into memory, including textures etc), sometimes it is AntiAliasing on AMD cards...I dunno why probably same as previous...size counts apparently.



For me, bsa's use less time. But modding the load order and keeping what you want visible tends to create the need to loose file those mods that you want prioritized. I have always used LOAD ORDER as my priority, with bsa archives for assets. With this game and its predessorrs, I used Wrye Bash because any time the load changes, the app marks each plugin for a time in increments according to the load order. If you also use FOMM, you can reset the bsa's by reseting archive invalidation. So, now both plugins and archives are date marked, as well as mark in load order and archivelist in the INI. According to the guidelines for BSA vs Load Order in these older games, Not only do they read for listing position in the load order but also timestamp and compare to the plugin list position. Sounds complicated, but it isn't. Find the load order that works, Reset Archive IIA!!, use Wrye to reset timestamps (move anything once, and then back...doesn't matter, just move something in the list up or down). BAM. timestamped, archives and plugins. I had 136GB Oblivion installation. Trust me, this was the only WAY. You can merge plugins and make patches to override a bsa by making a blank plugin with master...I even used SetFileDate app to set all the plugins for the same timestamp, still works...


Since there are many reasons for stutter, you have to find the reason first, then search for fixes. :dance: Devs make it easy, don't they?

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