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Help with behaviors, animation blending and states


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Today the google search for calulator gave me a different list than before, and I found one with seed input. I'm just dumb and I still cannot get the same values as listed in asdsf. I've tried converting string "hkx" (without quotes) to hexidecimal, setting seed to 0 on a crc calculator, messing with all sorts of parameters I don't understand lol. Does Windows Process Monitor show you how crc32 parameters are set, like how you figured Skyrim uses 0 as a seed, or was that discovered from experimenting?


EDIT: Ah I found the right parameters! Oh boy, I'm excited! In case anyone is wondering:


CRC calculator: http://www.zorc.breitbandkatze.de/crc.html


CRC Order: 32

CRC Poly: 4C11DB7

Initial value: 000000

Final value: 000000


Check "Direct," "reverse data bytes" and "reverse CRC result before final XOR"


In data sequence, you can put the string of the animation name and path as fore mentioned in this thread. Use lowercase since that seems to be the standard form. And i didn't understand his comment about "hkx" until now: the string "hkx" does not create the same checksum as the number in the animationsetdatasinglefile which is why I was stuck for a few days. Inputting "hkx" (without quotes) into the calculator returns 9E13D1FA (hex) = 2652099066 (dec). But the file lists 7891816 in the part that is assumed to be "hkx." A curiosity indeed. This process is only helpful for animation file paths and names, but that is all that's needed thankfully.


Finally, the result is in hex; convert to decimal for use in the asdsf.

Still have to see if asdsf will accept a new race....


Side note: I tried creating new behavior files within the existing actors/dragon folder, but even if you rename the file paths in the respective behavior files (vanilla dragon has 'dragonproject.hkx' link to 'characters/dragontest.hkx' which links to 'behaviors/dragonbehavior.hkx' and 'character assets/skeleton.hkx') and assign a race the new file paths, the CK throws an error "unable to find the root behavior." It doesn't make sense; maybe each race is confined to one set of behavior files, or maybe there's other stuff I haven't discovered...

Edited by Ceruulean
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I am jumping with joy right now! Thanks so much fore the help!


I added an entry to animationsetdatasinglefile and created a corresponding folder in animationsetdata, then changed the fullcharacter.txt animation file paths just like in asdsf. I'm not sure what it does but since all the DLCs have done it, I thought it would do no harm since the folder is custom-named anyway.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Some updates:
In Data\meshes\animationsetdata\xxxprojectdata, the game needs an existing file for the precache to work. So in the case of a custom dragon, the name of the files in that folder are still "dragonproject.txt" and "fullcharacter.txt"
In animationSetDataSingleFile.txt, the entry has to end with "dragonproject.txt" or similar. A custom named file like "MyDragonProject.txt" will not work.
It seems ok, but in the Helgen scene Alduin glitches and does not land on the tower until I remove the altered asdsf. He can still shout and the quest will progress, but he flies past the tower and stays frozen in the air until his AI package changes.

Unfortunately, I believe this is a bad sign and trying to add a clone of the dragon behavior messes the normal dragon AI. I guess the engine reads the file name and not the complete path, so two dragonprojects.txt will conflict. I've tested some dragons and it seems the game is reading from my custom behavior file for vanilla dragons! (my behavior is in a different folder than the vanilla files...)

This frustrating method of my-way-or-highway is also the case for Movement IDs, where if you change the ID the game won't recognize it and use the default MTs even if you assign a custom MT to a race's Movement Data. Otherwise, when you keep the ID the same as vanilla the game overwrites the vanilla MT with your custom MT. Changing the horse MT breaks Helgen's cart scene but otherwise isn't too detrimental. Changing a dragon's MT; they would fly slower so some people may not like it.


EDIT: Ok, I found a way to get the CK to recognize a custom-named behavior graph, which solves the filename conflict mentioned above. Downside is, the game does not register any ActorAction. No moving, no jumping. However, sending animation event console commands work! The behavior itself is integrated! Could the final component be SpeedDataSingleFile.txt?! Unfortunately, that file is indecipherable. I hope we don't need that file, but since none of the movement is working, that might be the link to game movement/action.

Edited by Ceruulean
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