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Can my set up handle slyrim modded to the core graphics wise


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Same as you except i also used Enhanced Landscape and never read Neovalens guide. The advice not to use ENB is IMO not good.


On a separate note, Vividian is just lovely, isn't it. :)

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Including DynDOLOD? I use a but load of HD textures and what not and my game seems to use around 7.3gb, 3.9 average in vram, 3.4gb ram. Without ENBoost i surely crash after 30 mins or so. And that was before DnDOLOD.



I don't use DynDOLOD so I cannot say anything about it.





agree with you except for the 4k.


cant even tell the difference. stick with 2k.



Yeah, I have to admit that you have to get very close to tell the difference.


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Yeah, I have to admit that you have to get very close to tell the difference.



There's a reason for that.


The larger the dimensions of the texture, the shorter the distance until a higher mipmap level is used (higher mipmap levels = smaller texture). I don't know if this is the case for all game engines, but it certainly holds true for Skyrim, due to it being programmed for the previous generation of consoles that were...Lacking, in vRAM.

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