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Who wants to test my mod?


Do you like the house?  

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  1. 1. Do you like the house?

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IMPORTANT!!! The poll is for people who have tried the mod.



Hey guys, just finished a mod for Shivering Isles. After finishing the expansion I fealt jibbed that I could only use one of the two possible houses in the Palace, so I went about making my own. The house itself is located in the palace (A teleportation pad may be found near the back of the main hall, under a window) and is relitively small. I have included a large storage room, a throne (same as sheogorath's), Heaps of display (13 cube cases, 4 display cabinets, 1 display table and about 6 mini display tables), bed, dinning area (no expense spared), Chain training doll, Alchemy table with apparatus (lord sheogorath only gets the best) and more storage. And as a little easter egg, Rupert is included. Rupert is in actuall fact a carniverous Fungi that manages to set its food aflame before consuming it.


What I would like is people to give me general suggestions on what they would like to see in it. Also I would like someone to maybe tell me what I can remove to make it run smoother (I think candles could be taken out) cause it lags a bit on my rig. If you just want the house mod, hold out until I update a newer version.



By the way, I've called it Sheogorath's Chambers.



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I didn't look at the mod, but to make it run smoother:


You probably did this already, but since it's a large house it would be smart to split it up in multiple cells.


Use less lights. If that makes it too dark, you can always increase the radius. Or make the cell itself less dark.


Also, for people who don't have the time to actually download the mod and play it, you might want to post a few screenshots.


edit: This should've been in Mod Talk. :)

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