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I've always found it fun to try and find a really good, meaningful name for my characters. :smile: What about you?


Does anyone have any good ideas for character names in Skyrim (especially Nord characters)?


They can be male or female, any race. What are your thoughts?

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Wushin is always my TES characters name. Everywhere else it is Lazgul (or for LOTRO Glorvindor). I don't know why but it always gets me.
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I usually don't put too much effort in coming up with character names, but in the TES games I choose a name that fits with the race and gender (i.e. no Dunmer characters named Sigrid the Terrible :P).


If you have trouble coming up with good Nord names, you can always turn to the Icelandic sagas for inspiration. :thumbsup:

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I always use names they feel at home in a Medieval European style atmosphere for Elder Scrolls games. In Oblivion and when Skyrim comes out I will be using Scandinavian, Russian, French or German names with actual meaning or something I make up that sounds the part like Sigrun, Kyra, Gelebor, Raikov, Deiter, etc.
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