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The same names as always-Altre (typically the all around strongest character), Unoe (usually of a dark persona, plays as a dark mage or assassin), Sudduken (a well-to-do man of virtue, typically plays as a fighter), Sunoeken (more well rounded than the previous two, plays as a battle mage or spellsword), and finally Elli (the only female, plays as either a powerful destruction mage, throat slitting rogue, or nimble fighter).


Specific races typically apply to none of these characters other than Altre. As he started a Nord, so shall he always be reincarnated a Nord.

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I tend to like fairly simple but exotic names. I can guarantee my first and main character will be a Dark Elf named Scath. He'll be fairly well-rounded, but with an evil edge, battlemage with slightly more experience in sword combat than magic. My secondary character would probably be a female Breton, definitely evil and stealthy, relies heavily on the shadows, named Kira or Kirra.
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My first reply to this topic was made jokingly (although no one got the joke - a sure sign of a bad joke), and I believe I should have another try at it.


My first character will be Karvil, a frail mage. I haven't chosen a race yet. He is being sent to the stockades because he was framed by someone he assumes to still be in Skyrim.


Then comes Holzighast, proffessional ghost-buster. He will be a Nord who primarily takes on quests associated with crypts and graveyards and burial grounds and the like. Holzighast's good deeds are done with something familiar to him: before he became a proffessional specter-slayer, he took to the widely frowned upon practice of grave-robbing. This is the reason he is being sent to the gallows.


Then, Sesiat, my Khajiit will play the role of a harmless transient by day, and by night, the thief. Finding the streets too dangerous of a hunting ground, he will primarily rob houses. But only one house in each city/town before he departs to the next. Take THAT, some family! Sesiat slipped up on a heist near the Skyrim border and got caught. That's why he is moments away from "justice" at the beginning of Skyrim.


Finally on my initial roster of characters, is the illustrious Imperial battlemage Aesoff Fidur. He is known for the way his ill-temper often masks his good intentions. Good intentions, meaning Aesoff seeks to immerse himself in all the knowledge his battlemage brain can soak up. He is constantly seeking the most rarest of books, and in one occasion he nearly thrashed an antiquarian to death over a copy of a rare tome he sought. The authorities mistakenly connected the evidence of his violent temper to a murder that had recently been committed, and thus, Fidur is to be hanged.


I just noticed that this thread is only about names. Forgive me, Nexus.

Edited by Duke Baronknight
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i always name my characer a few specific certain names. Something with strength and power and authority and honor. Hector, Achilles, Herc (short for Hercules) Link from zelda (huge zelda fan) Guy (from final fantasy) Paris is a good guy name too (also from troy) I think if i make a pretty boy i'll name him Paris, but if i make him rough he will be named Hector or Guy
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