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I pretty much always play females in games like this, so I'm actually stumped for names. My usual name is the name my MMORPG games used to get, "Silence", but that got a bit dull and uninspired and isn't really suitable for a battle-mage or what have you. I'm open to suggestions!
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As far as humans go, picking regular Scandinavian and some older norse ones names work fine.


Male: Rolf, Sigurd, Asbjorn (since most of you lack the characters), Bjorn, Ári, Baldr, Thor, Odin, Loke, Egil, Fafnir, Fenrir/Fenris, Gandaflr (sounds familiar, eh?), Olaf and so on.. More inspiration here: http://www.20000-names.com/male_norse_names.htm


Female: Sif, Freja, Astrid, Brynhildr, Dagmar, Dagrun, Ingrid, Kenna, Lifa, Signe, Solveig and Sigrun.. More here: http://www.20000-names.com/female_norse_names.htm


The one game where it pays off to live in a Nordic country :P


You can find modernised versions under Danish, Swedish, Norweigan and Icelandic names, though typically endings with the letter R has turned into an A (eg. "Brynhildr = "Brynhilda") or had inserted a vowel (eg. "Baldr" = "Baldur/Balder"). There are also some names with superfluous Hs and such, so it mostly depends on which side of the Old Norse vs Modern Scandinavian slide you want to be and whether your keyboards/the game itself can handle it :thumbsup:

Edited by Zinro
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I'm actually considering this time around to be a Nord named "Ioan Sutton Hoo." Works for me cuz one, I'm a descendent of clans from the region of Sutton Hoo and my first name is Ian, just add an o to make it slightly more barbaric sounding.
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Althalus, a male imperial/nord halfcast, descendant of the greatest theif in cyrodil, whom he is named after. He seeks to reclaim the honour that was striped from his family name during the events of oblivion, which ultimately lead to the execution of althalus the first and the fleeing of his nordic mistress to her homeland over 2 centuries ago. Edited by Althalus9394
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