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I'll be making a nord for the first time ever in TES games ( i always play imperial and dunmer ) the names of the characters might aswell be character01 or player01, you're the only one who's ever gonna see it anyway


On a more serious note, im struggling between 3 names for my first Character - Baldur, Adler or Thorfinn. Haven't decided yet :unsure:

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Mattilde Berunnsdöttir will be my first character. Nord female and descendant of Berunna, my Oblivion character. Mattilde will probably be a little less of the shining paragon type and more practical. I don't want to jump ahead as to why she is going to the gallows in case the plot calls for a specific reason.


Caterwaul will be my khajiit (male) character. Basing him off of a PnP roleplaying character. Emphasis on light armor, one-handed weapons, and spells.


Sossauroth will be my argonian (male) character. Based off a minor divinity that I created for a reptilian character in a PnP game.


Don't have names for the other characters I plan to make (one of each race).

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Does anyone have any good ideas for character names in Skyrim (especially Nord characters)?

I've got a great original name for a Nord that tries to use magic (although not very good at it) and wield unconventional weapons along with a hefty amount of stamina.....and his name is....Klaatu Verata Necktie



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