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retiring from oblivion


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just wanted to say thank you to all the oblivion community for all the fun and help over the years but i have decided to retire from oblivion,will deffinitly be back for skyrim and i hope that the nexus will offer as much for skyrim as oblivion has.

i also would like to thank theniceone for all his help on his mods(especialy mmo and hud status bars),the allnatural team for simply the best weather mod ever,korana for all her amazing mods(especialy n dywyll elves),sinblood for all the amazing vampire mods (i love vamps hope you will still make vamp mods for skyrim :wink: ),the fcom team for one of the most amazing mods ever,xilver for midas,onra for all you great work,the makers of my voice extender,the obse team as without you almost none of the mods would be possible,wrye for wrye bash,desuchan for your dolls,maker of chocolate elves (still one of the best races there is),luchaire fo tabaxi race,also like to thank the makers of the lost spires,elsweyr,bartholm,bladesong,blade of the haunted,rtt,integration,also the maker of cyrodill terrain map,supreme magic,the soul of illithel,fearsome magicka,progress and ngcd,bromret for his texture pask which is still the best there is,silent resident for impeREAL city,castles,forts,bananasplit and team for better citys,koldorn for your amazing textures,deffinitly Xul team for the best mod ever,cobl team for ....well cobl,the maker of mimics!,vagabond angel for your great mods,....sod this that will do to many to name to be honest you know who you are as you prob seen me on your page DLing your mods so thank you all for your work and help cant want to see you on the skyrim nexus.(sorry bout long post)


ps try not to rip all your hair out when using blender :biggrin:

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We'll, im new to the forums so i don't know who you are, but still, i guess i should still say "goodbye"

And with the try not to rip your hair out with blender bit, that would be impossible for me seeing i haz crew cut...

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@Phoenix Have a nice vacation. We'll be here when you get back. :thumbsup:


@MysteriousTravler: You obviously haven't tried to use Blender yet. :tongue:

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Hmm ... I'm getting the impression that the name 'Blender' refers to what happens to your brain while using it. Edited by Striker879
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Hmm ... I'm getting the impression that the name 'Blender' refers to what happens to your brain while using it.

More like reference to your insanity when you use Blender on Ubuntu Studio. It's like trying to put out an electrical fire with a bucket of water.

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@MysteriousTravler: You obviously haven't tried to use Blender yet. :tongue:


Yes, i did once to try and make a movie intro. But that was a long time and someone ended up doing it for me

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