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Dragonborn, Mirak quest wont progress


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Quest... At the summit of Apocrypha


Skorn of the Skall is dead and I have learned and unlocked the 3rd word of the Bend Will shout. The quest "the gardener of Men" has now completed... BUT.... the next quest "At the Summit of Apocrypha" does not start.


If i read the book, it takes me to Hermas Mora's realm and I can progress to get all the books and actually get to the Word wall, defeat all the seekers, and learn and unlock the 3rd word of Dragon Aspect.... BUT..... the dragon never shows up...


I am confused because i know there are several stages to the DLC2MQ06 quest but that quest is never active when i look at my active quests using cmd showquesttargets. And there are no journal entries as i progress thru...


i have tried console commands to "startquest" and "setstage" to kick the quest in but they have no effect...


I am using the Requiem Mod... so far all other quests have had no issues.


Any advice would be appreciated.



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You should just use the command I listed, exactly as I listed it. Just open the console, and maually type in setstage dlc2mq06 200 and click enter, and close console. Then just walk around the locked gate to trigger the next objective and he should arrive.


Edit: Do you have all three words of the dragon shout for Bend Will are obtained and unlocked?

Edited by DaddyDirection
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Hmm. That's just wierd then. I'm not sure what else could be going on. I suggest reading through the bugs list of that link I shared earlier and seeing if anything fits your problem. Other than that, I guess that's all the help I can offer. Sorry.

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