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Devil May Cry Combat


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From the mod description:




OBSE v17 or higher


Oblivion Patch 1.2046


Shivering Isles installed



1.Go to MAIN FILES-ARCHIVOS NECESARIOS folder and drag the contents


into the Data folder in your Oblivion installation directory



2.Now select one of the systems, specialized or simple, the first limit the


skills that you can use as in function of the class of your character, the second


allows you to use all the skills regardless of your character as



3.A Once you have decided which version you prefer, open the corresponding folder and drag the


content into the Data folder in your Oblivion installation directory



4. Now comes the hard part, before we can play we must configure the SSS.ini




set sssKey.Trickster to 265 ; Trickster / Dark Slayer - Mouse Wheel Down


set sssKey.Trickster to 156 ; Trickster / Dark Slayer - NUM Enter Key


set sssKey.Trickster to 46 ; Trickster / Dark Slayer - C Key


What part are you having trouble understanding and maybe we can help.

Edited by Striker879
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part 4 :) i am not understanding the hex part , i mean where do i put those


;0x01 1 Escape

;0x02 2 1

;0x03 3 2

;0x04 4 3

;0x05 5 4

;0x06 6 5

;0x07 7 6

;0x08 8 7

;0x09 9 8

;0x0A 10 9

;0x0B 11 0

;0x0C 12 Minus

;0x0D 13 Equals

;0x0E 14 Backspace

;0x0F 15 Tab

;0x10 16 Q

;0x11 17 W

;0x12 18 E

;0x13 19 R

;0x14 20 T

;0x15 21 Y

;0x16 22 U

;0x17 23 I

;0x18 24 O

;0x19 25 P

;0x1A 26 Left Bracket

;0x1B 27 Right Bracket

;0x1C 28 Enter

;0x1D 29 Left Control

;0x1E 30 A

;0x1F 31 S

;0x20 32 D

;0x21 33 F

;0x22 34 G

;0x23 35 H

;0x24 36 J

;0x25 37 K


etc etc etc


i readed the mod description but i couldent findout what i have to do :(

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My take on the "we must configure the SSS.ini" part (I'm not familiar with the mod, just following the install instructions myself) is that there will be a file, probably located in your Oblivion install Data folder that's named SSS.ini (you may not see the .ini part at the end, depending on your settings in Windows Explorer, but you will see the SSS part). Double left click the SSS.ini and it should open in Notepad (if you get a dialog box asking what program to use to open it with, select Notepad from the offered list ... you can either check 'Always use this program to open this file type" or not, but ini files are normally edited using Notepad). Without seeing the contents of SSS.ini myself I can't tell you exactly where to look, but there should be a section in it for assigning keyboard keys. Those codes you listed are semi-universal codes that each keyboard sends to your computer when a key is pressed ... example, when you press Escape the keyboard sends 01 to the computer using the hexadecimal (base 16) number system (hence the 0x01 ... the 0x part says it's a hexadecimal number). You decide what key you want to press to use different functions in Devil May Cry and then input the appropriate keyboard scan code from the list. I'm not 100% clear on whether you should enter for example 0x01 for the escape key (which is the correct scan code for escape) or the listed 0x01 1. Try one and see if that format works, if not try the other (or maybe as an outside possibility use just the number 1 for escape, 2 for the number one etc.).
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