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Moving the crosshair, how to


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I am using the mod "Ultimate 3rd person camera". What it does is changes the 1st person view to a 3rd person view where your character is offset to the side; this makes it so you can effectively use archery with a third person view, without your character's body being in the way of the crosshair.


However, the cross hair is innacurate; I always have to place it to the right of whatever I want to hit. This makes aquiring targets much slower and less reliable in general. I still do it, however, because of how cool it looks to do my archerying in the 3rd person view.


What I would like to know is:


1) How can I reposition the crosshair slightly to the left of where it is now? Is there an .ini setting for this somewhere?


2) Is it possible to reposition the crosshair seperately for 1st person and 3rd person view? In 3rd person the crosshair is accurate, in 1st person is where it is not accurate. This is much less important than (1), since I won't be doing any archery in this view, only casting spells occasionally.



Thank you in advance.

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I know that with Darnified UI you can change the position of the crosshair, but I'm not sure if there's a separate setting for first person and third person view.


Well I took your advice and installed Darnified... and it broke both Oblivion and OMM and I had to do a complete reinstall, lol


So if anyone has something else I'd like to hear that plz.

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Sorry, I thought it was possible. :confused:


I tried to read the article on the Darnified UI forum for adding elements to the HUD (which would mean you can add a new 3rd person crosshair that you can adjust) but I can't figure it out at all. Maybe you could try it:





I actually found out how to do it, and it was really simple. In Oblivion > Data > menus > main there is a file called hud_reticle.xml


Open it up with note pad, and you'll see the following in that file, pretty close to the top


<!-- default crosshair image -->

<image name="hudreticle_reticle_crosshair">


<copy src="parent()" trait="user5"/>

<eq> 0 </eq>


<filename> Menus\Misc\sniper.tga </filename>


<copy src="me()" trait="user10"/>


<width> 32 </width>

<height> 86 </height>

<x> -32 </x>

<y> 4 </y>

<user10> 255 </user10>


The bolded part is the coordinates for the crosshair on the screen. Just a few points to the left and it's basically perfect positioned now for the camera I use! =D


Thanks for mentioning the UI though, I love it!

Edited by redeyesandlonghair
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  • 4 years later...
  • 5 years later...

old topic, but figured i would chime in as this ran across my search.

normally the <x> <y> coordinates are in the hud_reticle.xml file. i believe a mod i installed that has predictive aiming changed the file, so manual changing is no longer available.

using the 'ultimate third person camera', it normally positions your character, x -> 32, y -> -200. if one opens up the skeleton.nif file with nifskope ... this is the 1st person file (data/meshes/characters/_1stperson) click on the 'scene root ... it's always first in the tree directory, and change the first collapsed mode following that ... should only one visible if ya haven't expanded anything. change the x cord to 32 in the properties normally shown below. scene root is where your character's model is rendered. what we just changed was the skeleton node that controls that affect animations. now all targeting should be back to normal. melee attacks will be off though. because ranged and melee attacks originate from different locations and this model sets us at an off set angle, i haven't found a solution ... one could adjust the ini setting fCombatHitConeAngle=45 (default is 30) ... widens the angle of what's considered a hit with melee weapons.

one can just use a program like bsa commander to open any bsa file, sort them and scroll down to appropriate directory. unpack the file in the same tree structure it's in. it may be the same as oblivion, data/menus/main/hud_reticle.xml. now that it's extracted in that location, it should take precedence over the bsa file.

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