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Autumn Leaves - Badly designed entrance traps followers.


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Bug traps your follower, an no way to get them back. console command "Moveto player" does not work but "player.moveto" does.


You can transport to the follower, but once you fast travel away from that spot that follower stays. Asking them to follow does nothing. Niner & Willow follow but not Veronica



Looks hopelessly broken, will have to reload save an start again staying away from that area. Somehow while following me, character got sucked into the void. This happened a lot in the vanilla game, the environment is so badly designed that traveling over the hills will result in vanilla NPC's randomly dying or getting lost forever.


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That's an activator made to let the player go alone in the library. It's intended, and doesn't work with custom/mod followers. Proceed with Autumn Leaves then get your followers back on the way out. (That's the way it's intended, at least.) Sorry if it's too much of an inconvenience, but followers aren't of any use in AL.

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